Find Your Peeps
Breaking into the social scene in Louisville is maybe not the easiest thing to do . It helps a lot if you were a teen here , because then you can answer the infamous question , “ Where did you go to high school ?” However , if you aren ’ t from Louisville , it ’ s a bit more difficult . I did have the benefit of attending University of Louisville School of Medicine so as a result , I have a lot of friends I know from there . However , the community of friends around me is not just from medicine , they are from other venues in my life . I ’ d like to highlight those venues for you today as we work to build supportive communities around us .
The first community to highlight is Yelp . I ’ ve been involved with Yelp infrequently since medical school . This is an online community where folks can provide reviews and pictures on their favorite businesses in the community . In 2013 , my good friend , Emily Hagedorn , became the Yelp community manager for the city of Louisville . Now I really love supporting anything that Emily does . So when she took on this role , I knew I had to be a
whole lot more involved . I started posting more reviews and more pictures and became Yelp Elite . Now what is Yelp Elite , you ’ re wondering ? The Yelp Elite are individuals who provide good feedback on Yelp and provide solid reviews . As a result , you get a special badge on your profile . It gives your recommendations a little bit more weight and I found it also comes in handy when trying to connect with Gen Z patients .
I became Yelp Elite in 2014 . Emily put on great events with a variety of businesses in the communiy - it ’ s actually how I found the current fitness studio that I attend , Barre3 . One of our first sessions in 2016 took us to the studio to try out the workout . There were other events where we got to try out restaurants for the first time . We also had opportunities with the annual Art in Action that occurred prior to the pandemic to meet new businesses , restaurants , art opportunities and new event planners that have popped up in the city . Obviously , things changed during the pandemic , but Yelp did such an incredible job fostering virtual events to help bring the community together . This year I celebrated my 10-year anniversary of being Yelp Elite . It ’ s a nice way to keep the positive reviews going and also it gives me a new
( continued on page 16 ) April 2024 15