Louisville Medicine Volume 71, Issue 1 | Page 7

nized as an opportunity to lead with purpose , as well as develop trust . As we reflect on our past three years , I would like to share a story that depicts us all .
What do I mean by empowering ? Here is a story that provides an excellent example . I was fortunate to have been married to an incredible person who was an entrepreneur to his very core . Shawn started and sold various businesses over the years while always looking to create a “ better way .” Over the years , when we attended parties , Shawn would inevitably be the “ hit ” of the party . As you can appreciate , at parties one is often asked , “ What do you do ?” Shawn would answer that he created and owned his own company . Instantly , the response was , “ I always wanted to start my own business , but there never was the right time . My children are small , or I am not in a financial position and my life is too hectic .” All were very valid reasons that could represent barriers . I finally asked Shawn how he was able to “ make the leap ” into starting a business . What empowered him to think that he could be successful ? Shawn smiled , shrugged his shoulders and said he just thought he could .
Let ’ s fast forward though the years - I am contemplating obtaining my MBA . I have researched what it entails and have made the decision . We again are with friends at dinner and many of my physician friends share they wanted to obtain an MBA , but their children were small , they could not afford the tuition or their medical practice needed them . Again , all very valid reasons . After we left the dinner , Shawn turned to me and asked , “ Pat , what made you take the ‘ leap ’ into obtaining your MBA ? What empowered you to think you could do it at this time ?” I looked at him and smiled … touché Shawn , touché .
So , what makes us take the “ leap ” in any of the areas of our life where we have achieved success ? What was required for this success ? Think of making the decision of applying to and attending medical school . What allowed us to attempt a difficult decision , and how did we persist in the face of adversity ? When you feel empowered , you do not over-doubt your own capabilities for performance . How do we go from “ I think I can ” to “ I know I can ?” How do we know we are prepared for the challenge ?
This belief in oneself is described as self-efficacy : the belief that when we are challenged , we use our skills and prevail . And what is even more interesting is that individuals who have a higher sense of self-efficacy tend to have greater levels of well-being and happiness . 1
Looking at the past three years , how can we return to that feeling that we will prevail and be successful ? First , consider learning not just from achievements , but also from mistakes . Build on this concept to heighten your sense of empowerment . Reflect on your success and embrace how you felt with this success . Remember that we are often stronger than what we perceive . Use the best of what you have accomplished to build on your belief in yourself . You have the capabilities to determine a solution and can reach your goal . This can lead to greater accomplishments . It can return our sense of empowerment .

How do we go from “ I think I can ” to “ I know I can ?” How do we know we are prepared for the challenge ?

As a pediatrician , my love for children is intertwined with my love for books . As I was reading to my grandson , he chose The Little Engine That Could . As I was reading the book , I realized the book was an example of empowerment ! The book addresses how we can exemplify overcoming challenges to obtain our goals : with perseverance and determination . Moving from the perspective of “ I think I can …” to “ I know I can .”
Let ’ s let this be the year of celebrating what we all have accomplished as we moved from “ I think I can ” to “ I know I can .” As the President of GLMS for the next year , I welcome all of you into the GLMS story : a story of leadership , support and empowerment in all that we do and can do in the future . Do not hesitate to reach out with ideas and suggestion … as I will be reaching out to you !
Cercone , D ., Pervin , L . A . ( 2019 ). Personality Theory and Research , 14 th Edition .
Dr . Purcell is the Program Director for KY K . I . N . D . and serves as District IV Vice Chair for the American Academy of Pediatrics .
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