Louisville Medicine Volume 70, Issue 8 | Page 7

GLMS Strategic Plan Update

In July , we presented the GLMS Strategic Plan along with a new Mission and Vision Statement . The Strategic Plan is GLMS ’ s roadmap for sustainability in this new and ever-changing environment . The plan focuses on four main pillars that are GLMS ’ s foundation : Finances , People , Internal Processes and Program and Services . Also foundational to this plan is transparency and updating our members on our progress in meeting the goals set within the Strategic Plan . The following is our 6-month update to you regarding our progress . Please note that this plan is to guide GLMS over the next three to five years , therefore , the goals listed are ones that are in progress . For a complete list of the goals within the Strategic Plan , please refer to the July 2022 issue of Louisville Medicine , which can be found online at glms . org / resources / publication-archive-2022 .

-Dr . Valerie Briones-Pryor , GLMS President
VISION : Create a collaborative community that unites physicians .
MISSION : Greater Louisville Medical Society empowers physicians by creating engaging experiences , advancing meaningful advocacy and building impactful relationships in the community .
Goal 2 : Expand member service area potentially to the defined area that encompasses Louisville Metro . Present at GLMS Board meeting and review the bylaws for an update .
» Through research and conversations with the Kentucky Medical Association , we found that while it is not possible to expand our number of GLMS delegates in the KMA by expanding our Active member service area , we can enhance our other membership categories to include more attractive benefits for Greater Louisville physicians just outside of Jefferson County . These benefits could include the right to vote in the GLMS Annual Election and hold a GLMS leadership position . Options for this enhancement will be presented to the current GLMS Officers and Board in early 2023 .
Goal 5 : Look at current services from a cost-benefit analysis .
» In order to accurately identify areas where we may need to work on efficiencies , resources or scaling back , we have completed an internal cost-benefit analysis ( cost / time / member engagement ). Based on this information , we can see an estimate of how many staff hours are dedicated to each program / service alongside actual cost / net assets . We will use this information ( along with a survey to be sent to all members ) to guide what programs / services we will continue to offer to GLMS members moving forward .
» Goals in this pillar are in beginning stages and will continue to be researched throughout 2023 .
Goal 1 : Update bylaws to be relevant and make them current to our organization .
» Our bylaws are robust , and while we have made significant progress with updating them to make them more relevant to our Society , we are working through some final details that have membership implications for our organization . Once we present the membership options to the Board and those changes are voted on , we will include that information and finalize the bylaws to also be considered by the Board .
Goal 1 : Create an interest survey for specific programming at the time of membership renewal .
» GLMS staff is working to create a personal interest engagement survey to learn what our members really value regarding programming within the Society . We will use these survey results alongside the cost-benefit analysis to determine what programming is best serving our membership and meeting their needs . This survey is planned to go out in early 2023 .
Goal 3 : Create a comprehensive list of programs we offer and identify gaps .
» In creating the cost-benefit analysis , we were able to get a comprehensive list of each program / service provided by GLMS . We are reviewing this list to find if there are member needs that are not currently being addressed . We will look at these gaps and make adjustments as necessary .
January 2023 5