Louisville Medicine Volume 70, Issue 7 | Page 11

There is some lingo that is pervasive throughout most social media platforms . A handle is a term used to describe someone ’ s @ username . A hashtag can be used on several apps to help categorize information and make it more easily searchable for users . However , some may be specific to certain platforms . The “ For You Page ” or “ FYP ” is specific to TikTok and is when the app curates videos specifically for the user ’ s interests . The best way to become familiar with the platforms and their use is to get on one ( or a few ) and search around and interact with other users for a while .
Why would a physician create a social media platform in the first place ?
Social media allows health care professionals ( HCPs ) the ability to share information , debate policy and practice issues , promote health behaviors , engage with the public , educate and interact with patients , combat disinformation and professionally network . A physician in a clinic may see about 20 patients in a day and may repeat the same three-minute talk about safety and infection prevention at each visit . Record that three-minute talk and post it to social media , and it can have 20,000 views by the end of the day . Social media also assists in the dissemination of new health information . A patient gets one checkup a year , but recommendations may change during that time . A patient who follows a physician on social media has access to up-to-date health information all the time . For some users , social media is becoming their main search engine . Almost 40 % of those in Gen Z prefer TikTok for online searches compared to another search engine like Google . 4 Users said that they preferred this method to a traditional search engine because it allowed them to get to content quickly without sorting through advertisements . Their FYP could be so accurate that they might see content of interest before they are even looking for it .
The situation is similar for professional networking . In-person conferences are starting to return after the pandemic , but most may only attend one a year . Social media allows communication and interaction with HCPs throughout the country and worldwide and across specialties . Physicians who follow other physicians on social media also have access to new up-to-date health information from a different specialty or just a different perspective . This sharing of accurate health information has amazing potential , but unfortunately , disinformation is prevalent on social media as well .
That content is available for the public to consume with or without accurate health information to be provided by HCPs . Some users
are savvy and will research the source of the content they are seeing to assess its validity , but the rest will assume that they are getting accurate information . Remember the algorithm . The content given to a user is what the data suggests they want to see and this puts the user at risk of confirmation bias . They will assume that what they are seeing must be true because they are already slightly inclined to like the message . The algorithm will continuously give the same message over and over again until the user assumes that their belief must be true , after all , they keep hearing the same message again and again . Social media also allows users to respond to disinformation . It can be done as a comment on the original content . It can be done by taking some of the original content and editing it to convey accurate information , or the opportunity to create original content ( perhaps linked to the same searchable hashtag ) so that those users have the chance to consume content with reliable health information .
To a new user it can feel overwhelming , where do you begin ?
This new form of communication seems so vast , so new and ever-evolving . Start with a platform that you are somewhat familiar with or one that seems more interesting and doable for you . Twitter is more text , Instagram is for images , TikTok is short videos , YouTube is for longer videos and Facebook allows for a variety of content to be shared . Don ’ t worry about creating content to share . If you
( continued on page 10 ) December 2022 9