Louisville Medicine Volume 70, Issue 5 | Page 32

Making Your Voice Heard – Kentucky Medical Association Annual Meeting Recap

Photo by David Knapp , courtesy of KMA Photo by David Knapp , courtesy of KMA

After several years of virtual meetings , the 2022 Kentucky Medical Association Annual Meeting at last took place in person on August 27-28 .

GLMS submitted 12 resolutions : five were adopted and one was referred to the Board of Trustees for Action . Four resolutions regarding gun control were combined , referring to the Board to appoint members to a task force to further research the topic . Two GLMS resolutions regarding reproductive health care were combined with similar resolutions from University of Louisville students and the Lexington Medical Society , ultimately focusing on the need for evidence-based medicine .
During the President ’ s Celebration on Saturday , GLMS member Dr . Bruce Scott won the KMA ’ s highest professional honor , the Distinguished Service Award . In addition , the medical students of Kentucky received the Community Service Award .
At the House of Delegates on Sunday , past GLMS President , Dr . Monalisa Tailor , was installed as the 172 nd President of the KMA . She is both the youngest and first female of color to serve as President of the KMA . During her presidency , Dr . Tailor plans to focus on rejuvenating medicine .
“ For those of us working in health care , the COVID-19 pandemic has left an indelible mark on our lives . Stress and burnout are at an
by KATHRYN VANCE all-time high in our profession , while mistrust and misinformation among our patients could be considered an epidemic in itself . Now more than ever , we need to come together as physicians to combat these issues and reinvigorate ourselves so that we can continue to provide the best care for the people of the Commonwealth ,” Dr . Tailor said . To hear her full inaugural address , visit the KMA ’ s official YouTube channel at youtube . com / KentuckyMedicalAssociation .
In addition to Dr . Tailor ’ s installation as President , four new KMA Officers were elected . Dr . Michael Kudek ( Winchester ) was elected President-Elect and Dr . Evelyn Jones ( Paducah ) was elected Vice President . Dr . Danesh Mazloomdoost ( Lexington ) was elected Speaker , and GLMS ’ own Dr . Heidi Koenig was elected Vice Speaker of the KMA House of Delegates .
We would like to congratulate the following GLMS members on their completion of the Kentucky Physicians Leadership Institute : Dr . Dylan Adamson , Dr . Aneeta Bhatia , Dr . Lesley Kellie and Dr . Mark Slaughter .
We sincerely thank those members who gave countless hours to the resolution process this year and made their voices heard at the KMA Annual Meeting . We look forward to many more great years of advocating on behalf of your colleagues and patients !
Kathryn Vance is the Communication Specialist at the Greater Louisville Medical Society .