Walter Crane - Library of Congress [ 2 ], Public Domain , https :// commons . wikimedia . org / w / index . php ? curid = 7397327 by TERESITA BACANI-OROPILLA , MD
Do we watch TV , read the news , listen to people talk ? Whether free to roam or confined to quarters for whatever reason , “ No man is an island .” Sometime or other , a person gets connected to his / her peers .
Try as hard as one may , one cannot ignore the air of contention that pervades our atmosphere : east , west , north or south , something is always remiss . Occasions that used to invoke feelings of love , reverence , kindness , tenderness , heroism or just plain fun , are tainted with jealousy , anger , revenge or plain indifference . A drop of oil in a glass of clear water muddles the whole , as not fit to drink .
Is the above an accurate description or a biased opinion ? Have we indeed lost our perspective of what we want to make us happy or not ?
An old favorite story tells of King Midas of ancient Grecian lore . When asked what gift he wanted to make him happy , he asked that all he touched would turn into gold . Delighted with his newfound gift , he went about using it with glee .
His beloved daughter , however , came to him and complained that the roses in her garden had lost their beautiful colors and delicate perfume . Midas , wanting to comfort her , called her to come sit on his lap . Which she did and immediately was turned into gold !
What do we want ? What would make us happy ? Riches ? Fame ? Self-aggrandizement ? Domination of others ? Revenge ? Peace ? Regard for others ? Use of our own talents for self and the good of others ? Forgiveness ?
Or , are we happy as we are now ? Dr . Bacani-Oropilla is a retired pediatrician and psychiatrist .
July 2022 29