( continued from page 11 ) this year ’ s in-person House of Delegates , our resolutions from the medical society help address relevant issues that we are seeing with our patients . These resolutions can go on to impact the policy of the KMA and have gone on to impact legislation at the Kentucky State Capitol . Some KMA resolutions have gone on to impact the executive branch , particularly the Department of Insurance . Our ability to help create policy advances our objectives to improve patient care and addresses pertinent issues .
We have impacted change this year with modifications to the CURES Act , prior authorizations and better accessibility to telehealth for our patients . Our medical society also helps discuss issues with relevant insurance parties . This happens on a quarterly basis with the insurance roundtable . This helps to make an impact on the questions that have been coming up for us most frequently and to address concerns . During the pandemic , we have served as a trusted voice for the community by providing education and
information about COVID-19 . Prior to the pandemic , we took opportunities to connect our legislators and community leaders to physicians in our Wear the White Coat program . This gave them the opportunity to see what a physician does during their day in all our different specialties .
This year , as we continue to transition during the pandemic , our medical society can lastly , and most importantly , help us with opportunities to connect in person or virtually . This is our opportunity to regain our camaraderie which I know we so miss . As I look back on my time as part of the Officer Board and the Board of Governors , I ’ m proud to be a part of the Greater Louisville Medical Society that continues to advocate for physicians in many arenas . We strive for the best possible patient / physician relationship . We will continue as the leading voice for doctors in our larger community .
Dr . Tailor is the Executive Medical Director , Primary Care for Norton Medical Group and is a practicing internal medicine physician at Norton Community Medical Associates : Barret .
Back ( left to right ) KY Representative , Kim Moser , 2021-2022 KMA President , Neal Moser , MD , Senior KMA Delegate to AMA , J . Gregory Cooper MD , GLMS Delegate to AMA & KMA Board Chair , John L . Roberts , MD . Front ( left to right ) AMA Delegate & KY Delegation Chair , Donald J . Swikert , MD , former KMA President Nancy Swikert , MD .
Dr . Bruce Scott kicking off the AMA Annual Meeting in Chicago as the Speaker of the AMA House of Delegates . This is the first full in-person AMA Annual Meeting since the pandemic began .
John Roberts , MD , our AMA Delegate , with Greg Cooper , MD , the Chair of the AMA Delegation from Cynthiana , Kentucky .