Louisville Medicine Volume 69, Issue 7 | Page 38


it365 - Lang Company
The Pain Institute
www . langcompany . com / managed-it-services /
www . thepaininstitute . com
GLMS Foundation
19 , 26
ReMax Properties East
www . glms . org / foundation
rem . ax / abouterik
Norton Children ' s
UofL Health - Brown Cancer Center
NortonEpicLink . com
UofLHealth . org

WHO TEACHES WHOM ? ( continued from page 22 )

can reward the dog ’ s good behavior in the presence of the individual with a beard , it will change the prompt and motivation .
Consequence - Feedback determines if the behavior will happen again and is constantly occurring . Using operant conditioning ( positive / negative reinforcement ) can be helpful in training .
Formal obedience training is a boon to happy family life with dogs - if all the humans are consistent ! You might need to use that water bottle on your spouse , in other words . Rewarding the dog for what he does right , over and over , is how he learns best . Patience on your part is essential . The word “ hey !” is a way to warn your dog he is about to make a bad decision . Rewarding consistently for the desired behavior is how he learns to make good decisions , more and more .
Mr . Imler wrapped his presentation addressing the question many dog owners face : Who is training whom ? The simple answer : both of you !
Kathryn Vance is the Communication Specialist at the Greater Louisville Medical Society .