Louisville Medicine Volume 69, Issue 6 | Page 29

Education about the new requirements is key to successful implementation of electronic medical record sharing , via information provided to the patients on after visit summary printouts , in the portal , and in person , reminding them they may be seeing results prior to their clinician ’ s review . Providers and their staff should be taught to field questions more easily and to understand exactly what is being shared to patients and when . Practices should make concise tip-sheets and provide them to staff . 11 I have included an example below :
“ We believe you deserve easy and secure access to your health information . Federal regulation requires that we share your test results with you as quickly as possible . You may see test results before your health care provider has had a chance to view or review them . Some results can be hard to understand without context and discussion with your health care provider . Please allow two business days to review your results . We will contact you with any results that concern us .”
Physicians should document in the chart when items ( such as notes or results ) are NOT shared with patients . Most clinical applications have built required menus of phrases to choose from when documenting an exception such as a risk of patient harm . Practices and health care organizations should develop and update policies to assure compliance together with their legal , compliance and IT leaders . Health care providers should know when exceptions are appropriate or “ reasonable .” For example , emotional harm is not considered to qualify for the prevention of harm exception . 11
In short , federal regulations are in place to facilitate medical record transparency and access via portals . The rollout of these rules has brought significant challenges to routine practice , especially when enforced during a pandemic . As always , communication with patients is paramount . Practices that promote trust by making their own records more easily accessible have been shown to enjoy enhanced care collaboration with patients , who improve understanding of their health , aiding better compliance with the medical plan .
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Mehan WA Jr , Brink JA , Hirsch JA . 21st Century Cures Act : Patient-Facing Implications of Information Blocking . J Am Coll Radiol . 2021 Jul ; 18 ( 7 ): 1012- 1016 . doi : 10.1016 / j . jacr . 2021.01.016 . Epub 2021 Feb 16 . PMID : 33600778 .
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American Medical Association : Part 2 : How do I comply with info blocking and where do I start ?, https :// www . ama-assn . org / system / files / 2020-11 / info-blocking-compliance . pdf ( 2021 )
Schapiro NA , Mihaly LK . The 21st Century Cures Act and Challenges to Adolescent Confidentiality . J Pediatr Health Care . 2021 Jul-Aug ; 35 ( 4 ): 439-442 . doi : 10.1016 / j . pedhc . 2021.03.005 . Epub 2021 Apr 14 . PMID : 33865680 .
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( 2021 )
Dr . Dues is a hospitalist and is Chief Medical Information Officer at UofL Health . ( non-member )
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