Louisville Medicine Volume 69, Issue 6 | Page 35

AUTHOR Teresita Bacani-Oropilla , MD



rich mogul in the East had accumulated gold and marble mines , had a permit for logging trees from virgin forests , and built plywood and lumber factories to process their wood . He also had piggeries to feed the hungry . Best of all , he owned a portion of an idyllic small island for his family resort , to entertain his executives and guests .
Watching the clean , calm , clear waters around him , he set aside an area , and hired two Japanese technicians to create a “ pearl farm .” Grains of sand gently injected into oysters , left undisturbed and allowed to flourish in the tropical weather , turn into varied lustrous pearls , admired , precious and desired . Even the uneven , irregular varicolored ones are coveted and turn into beautiful pendants .
This earthly world was created so lavishly with resources , which used wisely , would last for future millennia . It behooves us , present inhabitants , who prosper and enjoy them , to conserve them for the following generations . After all , they are our heirs , we , their forebears .
Before we conserve our habitats however , we must conserve i . e ., “ protect from loss or depletion ” ourselves . We presume humans are indestructible . Not so , as the coronavirus has shown , and so have various plagues and disasters since time immemorial . How far should we go to conserve human life ?
A professional couple , married in their mid-thirties , decided to have children before it was too late . Sure enough , the wife got pregnant not long after . Two months into the pregnancy however , her uterus was palpated up to the umbilical level , suggesting tumors . Exploratory operation revealed a fetus ensconced in a myomatous uterus . Decision : let the baby grow with the tumors . It was a tumultuous pregnancy with occasional bleeding , threatened abortion ,
AUTHOR Teresita Bacani-Oropilla , MD
prolonged bed rests , allergic generalized itching due to hormones and four hospitalizations . The physician mother had to intermittently close her family clinic to the detriment of her poor patients . Chaos occurred as their lifestyle was temporarily interrupted .
Finally , however , a full-term baby boy was delivered ! A happy ending !
The wife ’ s doctors hesitantly agreed to try for a second baby , with close monitoring . Three months into this pregnancy , the same tumultuous course followed - bleeding , etc . A darling baby girl emerged after nine months ! Six days post-partum , after a prolonged trip , the overused myomatous uterus suddenly failed to contract . Conservative procedures were not fruitful . Emergency hysterectomy was performed to prevent exsanguination and loss of life .
Was it folly for the mother to go to through such dangers to have the babies go to term thus have better chances at survival ? Were these little fetuses human ? As human as their mother ? Like the little grains of sand that may become pearls , no one can predict if they will be perfect . Take a chance ? Or not ?
Should “ surprise ” babies , not planned , not wanted , be given a chance to grow and be born ? Or should they be disposed of because they cause personal , social and financial disruptions to their mothers and associated folks ?
If properly handled however , those human babies that survive will be a potential source of human power by succeeding generations . An old adage warns , “ Waste not , want not .”
Update : the two babies that were allowed to compete with their bedfellow myomas showed their mettle ! They grew up to become useful professionals , spawning a new generation of the same .
Pearls ? Babies ? Be surprised ! Treasure them as keepers for the future ! What say you ?
Dr . Bacani-Oropilla is a retired pediatrician and child psychiatrist . NOVEMBER 2021 33