Letter from EVP / CEO
Jackson Browne performed in Louisville last fall but did not choose to perform his classic tune , “ Stay .” Perhaps he knew we weren ’ t quite ready . But if Browne came back today , he may be more likely to sing it .
After two years of pandemic-induced isolation , people are indeed staying “ just a little bit longer .” Attend any social or professional event , and you will surely notice . Perhaps , like me , you have observed this new trend in yourself . Clearly , we are all craving human connection .
Interestingly , history has shown that community-driven , membership-type organizations typically see an uptick in recruitment and engagement after prolonged societal catastrophes such as pandemics , natural disasters and wars . This is true for the Greater Louisville Medical Society and our charitable arm , the GLMS Foundation . Physician engagement , membership numbers and charitable donations have all increased the last two years in a row .
Your Greater Louisville Medical Society exists to connect you as a physician to the broader community and to your peers across all specialties , health care systems and independent practices . Yet , this is only one of many benefits . Joining up with your professional colleagues allows you to be a part of statewide policy development . It also magnifies your influence by creating a more powerful and united physician front that can educate and inspire lawmakers to develop laws that improve the health and well-being of your patients and the community . pandemic year . Our creative and highly motivated physician volunteers and professional staff have an insatiable drive to support you . Clearly , our triumphs are directly connected to your success , and we have many offerings to help physicians succeed .
The following pages reveal the numerous highlights and achievements under the leadership of President , Dr . Brian Sosnin . Wellness , engagement and leadership development were the big themes of Dr . Sosnin ’ s presidency as he sought to empower and advocate for physicians in each of those areas . Dr . Sosnin authored many articles directly addressing burnout and encouraged members to take great care of themselves to best care for their patients .
The Wellness Wednesday Webinar Series was developed by our GLMS Foundation to equip members with powerful CME sessions on burnout prevention , mindfulness and beyond . Numerous Foundation-sponsored PSAs were also distributed on social media and TV repudiating COVID-19 misinformation and encouraging the public to get vaccinated . Dr . Tom Reichard chaired the Foundation Board during its first full year after developing a new charitable focus on community health and physician wellness .
If you are new to Louisville and considering joining GLMS , please reach out to us or ask a colleague why they are engaged . If you are a new member , welcome aboard and let ’ s go ! If you are contemplating letting your membership lapse , I ’ ll ask for an encore from Jackson Browne , “ Oh won ’ t you stay-ay-ay just a little bit longer ,” and we will gladly get you connected .
Bert T . Guinn , MBA , CAE EVP / CEO
Perusing our Annual Report , you will see that the Society has substantially served members through yet another challenging
GLMS Annual Report 2022 MAY 2022 7 7