Louisville Medicine Volume 69, Issue 12 | Page 22



What is the opposite of a perfect storm ? At least that ’ s how it turned out . Maybe “ Make hay while the sun shines ” explains things better . Growing up on a farm where the main summer project involved baling 50 acres of alfalfa , that adage never needed explaining .

Here ’ s how it happened . First , my 10-year-old granddaughter , Lucy , who is discovering the joy of reading , got a copy of Heidi for Christmas . Next , while cleaning out and re-arranging some stuff in the basement , I came across an old copy of Heidi , Hans Brinker and several other children ’ s classics . And , I thought to myself , “ Self , you have never read any of these books . You should , someday . Plus , it will be something to discuss with Lucy .”
The final component of this “ storm ” is all that bitter cold weather we have had recently . As I type this , it is early February and 23 degrees outside at 10:00 a . m . Pooh on the Groundhog . Maybe it is my age or the fact that no significant duties or chores force me outside in this weather , but , here lately , my desire to go and do stuff outside ( my usual nature ) has departed . Maybe I should check my TSH .
In spite of never having been an avid reader , the siren song of my man-cave recliner , a warm blanket and hot cup of coffee found me reaching for this old classic about a young girl abandoned to her curmudgeonly grandfather way up in the middle of nowhere Alps .
Now , I ’ m not going to tell you the story . Please do read it for yourself . But there is a reason this is such a beloved classic . It was great . The pleasure and joy of passing time with Heidi has me thinking it may be an insult , if not a crime , to call it a “ just a kids ’ story .”
Of course , maybe I ’ m exposing the fact that I ’ m entering my second childhood . I ’ ll get a second opinion on that .
So , with Heidi squared away on her mountain top , I reached for Hans Brinker . From Switzerland to the Netherlands ; from the height of the Alps to the dykes and levees of below sea level Holland . Once again , charming characters that tug at your heart strings ( chordae tendineae ?). Unlike Heidi , American author Mary Mapes Dodge utilizes some interesting techniques / detours from the main story to teach about Dutch history , art , geography , etc .
Down deep , who doesn ’ t like a happy ending ? And given some of the stuff offered to us today as popular literature , not much is going to fall into the classic category . Too much of what is popular today , filled with gratuitous sex , unbridled profanity , murder etc ., will soil your soul without uplifting your spirit .
So , if by the time you read this , it is still cold outside or rainy or your recliner beckons , grab some of these old classics and discover why they are “ old classics .”
P . S . As I was finishing Hans Brinker , an episode of Jeopardy included a question regarding The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett . I was completely unfamiliar with the book and therefore would have lost money on Jeopardy . But that book was also in the pile where I had found Heidi and Hans . And in mentioning this book to others , I have been made aware of my deprived upbringing and substandard education .
However , I dove in and was , once again , thrilled to discover a delightful story with a wholesome message of wisdom and guidance for a kind and satisfying life .
The main disclaimer / warning to offer to us physicians is that in each story there is a character with infirmity and a doctor-character . It won ’ t ruin your reading to know now that the infirm are restored . Poetic license and / or the miraculous are at play ( you pick which you prefer to call it ). Our neurology and orthopedic friends may complain the loudest . But consider for a moment that the saddest feature may be that we , as adults and steeped in science , have lost or outgrown that sense of awe and wonder that anything is possible when good hearts wish good things and work hard to make them happen .
So , there are three peaceful suggestions . I would enjoy more . Any ideas ???
Dr . Baker is a retired OB-GYN who practiced in downtown Louisville for four decades .