Louisville Medicine Volume 69, Issue 11 | Page 15

smart-phone-based DSSs have been evaluated in clinical studies , the outcomes have been mixed with some showing a benefit in terms of improving glycemic outcomes , while others do not . 7 , 8 , 9
When combined with CGM sensors that provide real-time glucose estimations , AI-based DSS algorithms can also provide personalized hypoglycemia prediction and prevention . Recent studies have demonstrated that AI-recommended insulin dosage adjustments agree with physician opinion with a level of accuracy approaching that of inter-physician agreement . 7 , 8 , 9
5 ) Translational research - Which requires analysis of abundant databases with numerous variables .
6 ) Pre-emptive Medicine - Pre-emptive medicine is a novel concept proposed in Japan , which aims at delaying the onset , or even preventing the occurrence of chronic diseases , such as diabetes , hypertension , cancer or dementia by using a combination of AI techniques , genomic analysis and environmental interaction data . 3
While physicians do not need to know technical details of AI / ML , they should understand what it can and cannot do . That leads to the question of how to critically appraise machine learning methodologies in clinical practice . The following analyses help the assessment : 10
1 ) Are the end results provided by ML reflecting the true disease state ? Is there a clinical gold standard that the ML technology meets ?
2 ) How is diagnostic accuracy identified ? In medical applications , diagnostic accuracy is usually reported as sensitivity , specificity and area under the curve . It would be contingent on ML technologies to ensure clarity in clinical terms .
3 ) Is the dataset used in model development reflective of the setting in which the model will be applied ? i . e ., can adult blood sugar / insulin dosing datasets be used to provide insulin dosing in children ? Can a model to identify diabetic retinopathy trained on images of severe diabetic retinopathy identify mild or moderate disease accurately ?
4 ) Is the output of an AI / ML technology able to provide differential diagnosis or estimates of confidence ?
5 ) Is the performance of the AI / ML model reproducible and generalizable - across age , gender , ethnicity , populations in different geographic settings ? - so that predictive accuracy is shown to be robust beyond the cohort they have been developed in , or are separate models needed for each ?
With ever increasing availability of wearable and implantable medical devices , the benefits come with tradeoffs . Some of these tradeoffs include legal uncertainty . Who is liable for damage arising from use of AI / ML technologies ? Who is liable when technology fails , leading to damage or when technology driven datasets are hacked ? Consider the insulin pump - an external device that regulates blood sugars almost autonomously but requires significant human input . These human-in-the-loop systems may not truly be
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE autonomous because of the large number of variables that cannot be anticipated . Pump dysfunction is not uncommon . When users of pumps ignore methods of monitoring blood sugars or pump function , blood sugars can get very high with clinical signs before they notice anything wrong . These individuals may land in the emergency rooms , and in extreme cases , may die . Can all users be expected to understand device functions to fully comprehend the scope of potential downstream risk ?
Cyber security and data privacy is a major problem . Personal medical information and disease data are being captured by both insulin pump manufacturers and hackers . Continuous glucose monitors ( CGM ) that connect to phones and computers automatically capture data and most patients are unaware of their implications . Thus , medical AI raises novel issues at the intersection of privacy law , cyber security obligations and consumer protection . 11
The laws governing these technologies have not been able to keep up the advances in medical technologies and users have a great deal of difficulty being informed of and consent to inherent risk . 11
In conclusion , AI / ML technologies are here to stay . They do make diagnosis , medical decision making , management of disease processes and improving quality of life in patients better . Both physicians and their patients have a need to keep up with them , especially the understanding of what these technologies can do and also recognizing what they cannot do !
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Dr . Raghavan is a practicing pediatric endocrinologist in Louisville . She has no financial interest in any of the technologies or companies mentioned in the article .
APRIL 2022 13