If someone mentions the term “ artificial intelligence ” ( AI ), the first thing that always pops up in my mind is the specter of robots taking over human jobs . Others might remember Skynet , the evil AI robot in Terminator that gained human behavior and became self-aware of its inferiority , thus making it want to conquer Earth . Although some may joke about it , others have a real , strong stigma against AI and are resistant to implementing it in our workforce . To a certain degree , both examples carry some valid concerns and AI does have the potential to pose a threat to our society . However , as Tom Gruber , co-creator of Apple Siri , once said , “ Not all AIs are created equally .” 1 AIs are not designed to take over human jobs , they are designed to work in conjunction with us to improve quality and efficiency .
AI is broadly defined as the ability of a machine or robot to imitate human intelligence . 2 These AI machines are able to think and act somewhat like humans , taking in large amounts of data over time . Their humans work with them to create different algorithms to find
the best answers to different problems . With the capacity to condense large amounts of information and data , AI is able to efficiently gain knowledge at a rapid rate and perform superhuman tasks .
There are subsections of AI that are important to distinguish : digital medicine , machine learning , deep learning and artificial neural networks . 3 Digital medicine includes developing web-based platforms that use algorithms and networks to improve human health . Examples may include electronic medical records ( EMR ), Doximity , Evolent Health , etc . These companies are designed to serve as a gateway between the patient and the provider , allowing more accessibility to care for the patient outside the hospital / clinic . On the other hand , artificial neural networks use statistical and mathematical models to develop relationships between variables , imitating what neurons in our brains do . Similar to how we think and interpret different variables in our minds , artificial neural networks have the ability to react to different stimuli and develop a model that interprets them in a human-like fashion . Finally , although commonly grouped together , machine learning and deep learning are distinguished by the way the information is interpreted . Machine learning uses algorithms ( programmed by humans )