Louisville Medicine Volume 69, Issue 1 | Page 7

the country . And now along with Dr . SarahBeth Hartlage she has played a major role , very successfully and skillfully , in helping lead and navigate our city through this COVID-19 pandemic .
And last but certainly not least , Dr . Valerie Briones-Pryor , who bravely launched and led the COVID-19 unit at UofL Hospital . You probably saw her on national TV news as one of the first physicians to receive the COVID-19 vaccine .
There are many others in our society and across the state who are powerhouses and have done a lot to make advances for our profession . We have a strong , collective voice throughout Greater Louisville and our Commonwealth , as well as on the national stage , thanks to these physician heroes .
We clearly have a rich tradition of leadership within our ranks and in our history . It is in our DNA . Now it ’ s time for more than simply those who have been elected to leadership positions to lead . We need every physician in our membership to continue pressing forward to become even better leaders .
Another vitally important theme we will be pursuing this year is improving mental health for everyone . Our patients need it , we need it , and our country needs it . Going forward we will stand on the shoulders of giants as we look upon the horizon and create a better and healthier future . We sincerely hope you will join us in our vulnerability and humility as we stretch and grow to become wiser and healthier so we can better serve our patients . We must learn , grow , evolve and discipline ourselves to do a better job of taking care of ourselves and one another if we are to better serve our patients , our profession and our community . I am looking forward to working together with the incredibly talented physicians in our organization and in our community to help make a real difference in improving mental health for everyone . Please watch for
FROM THE PRESIDENT opportunities to participate and contribute over the coming year .
As I bring my brief but important message to a close , let me say , the light of hope has always dwelled within us as physicians . This hope is tethered to our passion , determination and hard work ethic , and it will continue to carry us forward and help us learn to become better leaders in our teams at work and in our communities . So let ’ s all work together in a unified spirit . A rising tide lifts all ships .
For me , being part of GLMS is a fulfilling part of my career , and I am thankful for the relationships I have developed . We encourage you to grow as a leader through our various leadership seminars , serve on a committee become a delegate for GLMS at the KMA Annual Meeting or even become a GLMS leader and represent your profession . I ’ m asking for you to get connected ; to show up at meetings and be present . Your presence and engagement are genuinely needed and will be greatly appreciated . If you are not already a member , please get involved and participate in some capacity with GLMS and make your important contribution to the rising tide . I ask for your support this year as , together , we continue to tackle the mighty challenges of the day and make history . Thank you .
If you would like to get more involved with GLMS , please email info @ glms . org or call 502-589-2001 .
American College of Cardiology Business of Medicine : Dyad Leadership Model : Jun 19 , 2020 Walking the Talk Cardiology Magazine
Employed physicians now exceed those who own their practices | American Medical Association ( ama-assn . org )
Dr . Brian Sosnin is a primary care physician practicing at Baptist Health LaGrange Family Medicine .
Do you have a new physician joining your practice ? Are you opening a new satellite office ? Are you moving to a new office location ?
The GLMS Professional Announcement Package provides mailings and printed announcements in the monthly publications to let your colleagues know about changes in your practice .
CONTACT : Laura Carr Business Relationship Specialist ( 502 ) 221-7919 | www . glms . org


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