Doctors may retire because of a personal or family illness . Maybe age has begun to slow them down physically and mentally .
Currently , many doctors are retiring early because of the COVID-19 effect . The doctors who do elective surgery have seen their volume reduced by 70 %. They cannot keep their offices open , and thus retire early . It is estimated that 16,000 doctors per year are retiring . Medical schools and residencies cannot keep up with the need .
Most senior doctors were independent . Loss of autonomy and control is not acceptable . To be a practicing MD takes years of schooling and more training afterwards . For doctors to lose the ability to make medical decisions is not good for the patient ; doctors do not need a middle non-medical person to help make medical decisions . Health care is not a business to be run by the non-MD ’ s .
In the first part of their retirement , the doctors finally get to stay up and watch the late TV movies and sleep late : no more 6:00 a . m . alarm clocks .
The doctors can now play golf or tennis several times a week . It keeps them social and healthy . Many doctors join health clubs and go with the spouse on a regular basis . They walk in the neighborhoods and learn to recognize the different birds and trees . Many will travel . They may visit and spend personal time with their outof-town children and grandchildren . Many have taken a cruise , where every need is attended , pre-COVID-19 . While their minds and bodies are alive and alert , they enjoy other people , places and cultures . And then you can say , “ I ’ ve been there .” The travelers learn that most folks are just like us and want comfort and what is best for their family . A smile will get a return smile ( most of the time ).
Some will take lessons and learn to play piano , guitar or to paint . A classmate was taking voice lessons and was to sing Whither I Wonder at our 60 th class reunion . He died two weeks before our reunion . Dance lessons are a good way to meet and mingle .
Four , and probably more , have written books . Others have done book reviews . Some are studying foreign languages and still others do genealogy . Five doctors with partners have opened restaurants , only one is still operating .
How about joining or staying in the local medical society , GLMS ? For senior doctors , there are opportunities to still be a useful physician . Indigent clinics and third world countries still need doctors . The doctors can stay current in medicine by going to GLMS seminars . The senior doctors can be consultants for our evolving medical leadership and be on the different boards in our communities . Many doctors will use their skills to teach in the clinics at the medical school .
Being a member of GLMS will keep your picture and information in the Pictorial Roster so the rest of us can communicate with you . GLMS helps us maintain a physician status and be available to guide the younger doctors .
Some retired doctors spend their mornings watching the TV financial shows and are frequent stock market traders . These doctors are knowledgeable and impressive .
The senior doctors ( The CATO Group ) meet once a month at 10:00 a . m . ( virtually at the moment , but after COVID-19 , in person ) the second Tuesday of the month at the medical building , 328 East Main Street ( at the corner of Main and Preston Streets ). Ms . Mary Hess of GLMS coordinates . The spouses and nurses are invited . The topic may be medical or non-medical . The speakers are good . It is free and GLMS serves coffee and donuts . If you get there early , i . e ., 9:00 or 9:30 a . m . you can catch up on the gossip .
The CATO Group is chaired by Dr . Charles Oberst . The group is always interested in a good speaker . Call him if you have one .
Transportation to the meetings can be a problem . Some doctors carpool . The spouses frequently do the driving . Most doctors like to sleep late so this can also be an issue .
1 . Burnout is associated with too much computer time , too much interference from bureaucrats and not enough time for patients . 2 . 40 % of doctors are unhappy because of burnout . 3 . Can old doctors learn new tricks ? These “ old doctors ” are constantly learning and having fun doing it . The senior doctors have learned from the synergy of the group , especially during the breaks in the seminars where ideas are exchanged .
4 . We are all different but still equal . It is healthy to explore the differences . Respect your peers . Look at the roster in the doctors ’ book . The US and our medical society are indeed melting pots and we are better for it . 5 . It is nice to sleep late , we have all earned it . 6 . There is no end to volunteer work . 7 . Doctors need to be active and visible in the community . 8 . Do not miss opportunities to share ideas with old classmates and new people . 9 . Learn about your peers while they are alive , and do not wait to read in the obituary how much we had in common . 10 . We can still enjoy and learn from each other . 11 . Prejudice is judging someone before you get to know them . Living with diversity requires mutual respect . We need to be free of prejudice . If we respect each other , then we accept our diversity .
12 . The doctors are fortunate because their colleagues come from all parts of the world . They are nice and they are smart . 13 . Many doctors are on different boards , i . e ., arts , athletics , etc . 14 . Stay active , join GLMS . 15 . We are who we are because of when and where we were born .
The opinions and thoughts expressed here are solely those of the writer . Dr . Oberst is a retired obstetrician / gynecologist .
FEBRUARY 2021 15