Louisville Medicine Volume 68, Issue 9 | Page 13




This article was originally printed in the February 2019 issue of Louisville Medicine and has been updated with current information .

The Falls City Medical Society ( FCMS )

of Louisville , Kentucky , moves into its second century of existence . I wanted to share with you a brief history of the medical organization .
The Falls City Medial Society is a chapter affiliated with the National Medical Association ( NMA ). The
NMA is the oldest national organization representing African American physicians and people of color in the US . It was founded in 1895 .
C . V . Roman , MD , was an NMA founding member . He was also the first editor of the Journal of the NMA in 1908 . Dr . Roman stated , “ Conceived in no spirit of racial exclusiveness , fostering no ethnic antagonism , but born of the exigencies of the American environment , the National Medical Association has for its object the banding together for mutual cooperation and helpfulness , the men and women of African descent who are legally and honorably engaged in the practice of the cognate professions of medicine , surgery , pharmacy and dentistry .”
He further stated that , “ the mission of the NMA was to advance the art and science of medicine for people of African descent through education , advocacy and health policy to promote health and wellness , eliminate health disparities and sustain physician viability .” Thus , the need for an African American medical professional organization was to carry out the NMA mission , because of the exclusion and segregation of African American medical professionals joining the local , state and national medical societies .
In 1899 , the third annual convention of the NMA was held in Louisville . Following that meeting , a medical society for negro physicians , pharmacists and dentists of Kentucky was formed . It was named the Bluegrass Medical Society , but the name was later changed to the Falls City Medical Society ( FCMS ). FCMS is the local NMA affiliate in Louisville and the largest NMA chapter in the Commonwealth of Kentucky . It is a non-profit organization and is governed by the bylaws of the NMA . FCMS continues to support the mission of the NMA .
FCMS members were instrumental in forming the Red Cross Hospital , the first African American owned pharmacy in Louisville , operating the Louisville National Medical College ( to educate physicians and nurses ) and electing a past president of the NMA .
However , the 1950s brought change , and we saw many firsts for the Louisville African American medical community . The University of Louisville admitted its first African American medical student . Dr . Maurice Rabb was admitted as a member of the Jefferson County Medical Society . UofL had its first African American clinical instructor , Corolla Bullard . In 1958 , William Moses , MD , became the first African American member of the Louisville Surgical Society , and Dr . James Bell integrated Jewish Hospital .
The passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act Title VI prohibited discrimination on the basis of race , color or national origin in any program or activity which received federal funds or other financial assistance . Also in 1965 , the Medicare and Medicaid Acts were signed into law . Following the passage of these laws , there was progressive integration for patients and medical staffs at all of the Louisville hospitals and UofL . FCMS members became leaders serving in medical positions such as hospital medical staff department chairpersons , medical staff presidents , professors , etc . Recently , Wayne Tuckson , MD , a member of the FCMS , served as the first African American President of the Greater Louisville Medical Society .
In Louisville today , African American health care professionals are well represented in medicine , dentistry and pharmacy . We are proactive in promoting health and wellness , the prevention of diseases / illnesses that disproportionately impact persons of African descent and the underserved population in Louisville .
FCMS members actively participate in local , state and national medical organizations as committee members , officers and delegates who help advocate and assist with policy changes . We participate in medical workshops , health fairs , education seminars , Continuing Medical Education ( CME ), maintaining re-certification medical boards and participating in health initiatives to support the Greater Louisville health care needs .
FCMS itself also continues to work on increasing the number of African American health care providers .
The current Falls City Medical Society officers are as follows :
• Lewis Hargett , MD - President
• Kapauner Lewis-Prince , MD - Vice President
• Tamea Evans , MD - Secretary
• Kandis Akins , MD - Treasurer
We are a group of dedicated medical professionals who strive to render excellent health care throughout Louisville . The Falls City Medical Society continues to be relevant today as we seek to carry out the mission of the National Medical Association .
Dr . Hargett practices physical medicine and rehabilitation . He is the President of the Falls City Medical Society .
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