Louisville Medicine Volume 68, Issue 12 | Page 7




Letter from EVP / CEO

Everybody knows the last 12 months have been unprecedented . It doesn ’ t matter what industry or what area we call home . We ’ ve all lost someone or something . To say it ’ s been tough is a major understatement . It has been a year of loss , pain , heartache and ultimately , survival . Yet , one thing is for sure . If physicians and other health care workers weren ’ t considered heroes before this incredibly challenging time , they are definitely considered superheroes today by all segments of our commonwealth .
This could not have been more evident than in our Kentucky legislative session . Not only did we get some long-fought and much-needed liability protection for health care workers signed into law , but organized medicine also witnessed the most successful legislative session of all time . Kentucky legislators told us that they sincerely appreciated the herculean efforts of physicians throughout the pandemic and noted that our physicians united under the Greater Louisville Medical Society were more engaged in Frankfort than they had ever seen .
If you consumed any local news over the last year , you know that your GLMS had the right President at the right time . Dr . Monalisa Tailor , internal medicine specialist and excellent communicator , became a household name in Louisville as THE physician spokesperson for guidance on COVID-19 . On most days , Dr . Tailor was featured in nearly every media outlet in Louisville , often right alongside our highly skilled and determined health department Director , Dr . Sarah Moyer .
As many of our physicians worked long hours and dealt with heavy tolls in their practices , the medical society underwent many changes . Our staff converted entirely to remote operations in order to minimize COVID-19 transmissions . Meanwhile , we made the transition from
holding in-person events and meetings to developing more initiatives and virtual meetings . In spite of these challenges , we supported our physicians in every way we could , starting off with countless online COVID-19 resources .
Under Dr . Tailor ’ s direction , we also created CMEs to help our physicians find “ Resiliency in the Age of COVID-19 ” and address some of the highest levels of burnout ever reported . In addition , we developed very important and excellent CMEs on the “ Racial Inequalities in Medicine .” All of these CMEs are available on our website , and I highly recommend them if you have not already had a chance to view them .
Meanwhile , at the start of the pandemic , our charitable arm , the GLMS Foundation jumped into action providing tons of PPE care packages to physicians and practices in need . In addition , the Foundation launched an ongoing volunteer service to deliver prescription medications to quarantined COVID-19 patients without transportation means .
In recent months , under the leadership of Board Chair , K . Thomas Reichard , MD , the Foundation developed and promoted a robust public health campaign presenting local physicians speaking earnestly to various segments of our population via public service announcements regarding the efficacy and safety of available COVID-19 vaccines .
Realizing these types of charitable needs , your GLMS Foundation officially reinvented itself with a brand-new mission and launched two new committees designed to support the health and wellness of both the community and our physician superheroes throughout all stages of their careers .
On behalf of all of us at GLMS , hats off to all of our dedicated physicians and health care workers .
Bert T . Guinn , MBA , CAE EVP / CEO
MAY 2021 5