away from home where she planned to retire , Hilton Head ! Jim is touted to be the master chili chef ( Texas chili - it ’ s made with steak ). Her husband Jim is planning a memorial garden on their 16 acres .
Lastly , but definitely not the least of Renita ’ s interests , were her grandchildren , Teagen and Tillie Mae . Her face would light up whenever she spoke of them . They were her grand princesses ! Jim ’ s grandchildren , James and J . J ., were exciting additions to Renita ’ s family . For the past five years , Renita had enlisted Dr . John Buchino , retired pathologist from Children ’ s Hospital , and his wife Kathie to bring a special memory of Christmas joy to these little girls and boys . Dr . Buchino , with his grey beard , fit the perfect role for a Santa and Kathie , now gray also , was Mrs . Claus . On a Sunday close to Christmas , there would be a lavish dinner . Prior to that occasion , Renita brought to Santa and Mrs . Claus a gift selected for each of the children to be placed in Santa ’ s Christmas sack . Renita would be sure to include little tidbits of info on each child so when Santa saw Tillie Mae he would say “ You ’ re 8 now , and the elves have been telling me you are doing well in math , and writing stories .” He would ask all the children what kind of cookies would be left for him , and tell them not to forget the reindeer . Then he would begin to ask a very important question . “ Have your parents been good ?” Then , he ’ d ask , “ How about that grandmother of yours ( Renita ), has she been good ?” The answer would be a resounding “ YES , NaNa is always good !” This is but one of the beautiful memories that will be left with the grandchildren of their NaNa Renita , for she truly was good . She was good to her family , good to her patients and friends , and devoted as a pediatrician , mother and grandmother .
Renita kept a gratitude journal ; we wish to leave you with one entry : “ So thankful for my healthy beautiful grandchildren - their smiles light up our lives — praying for those not so fortunate .” I think Dr . Price would want us to remember that kindness counts . This last year of her life unfortunately was met with sacrifices during the COVID-19 pandemic ; she could no longer put her arms around patients to give them hugs when needed . But even with the many changes , Dr . Renita Price always continued to show her patients and their parents kindness and respect .
Dr . Renita will be so missed by so many . -Sheila Guelda , MD and Kitty Henry , MD
MAY 2021 27