Louisville Medicine Volume 68, Issue 10 | Page 16

( continued from page 13 )
provide help to others ( HR = 1.30 ; P < . 05 ; 95 % CI = 1.05 , 1.62 ).” 15
Don ’ t believe the false analogy of the human body as a vehicle . We do not experience wear and tear unless we are overtrained without recovery , reflection and connection . Unlike a car , we become stronger and last longer with the right level and periodicity of stress . 16 Stress exposure expands stress capacity when paired with recovery . According to Loehr , most busy professionals are undertrained physically and spiritually , but overtrained mentally and emotionally . Reflect on your routine and how you can introduce physical and spiritual energy expenditure , while incorporating mental and emotional rest . Don ’ t fall for the unrealistic idea that someday , when the stress is gone , you will be happy .
Physicians have plenty of adversity as opportunity for growth . We can even experience “ vicarious resilience ” by reflecting on the strength displayed by our patients . When you are feeling anxious , tell yourself you are excited . Blood vessels will relax , heart contractility will increase , DHEA will go up , and you will grow . Imagine yourself as a high school football player in the locker room before a game – you aren ’ t stressed , you are pumped up . Use that extra energy to face today ’ s challenges and get stronger . Follow Kelly McGonical ’ s advice : “ 1 ) View your body ’ s stress response as helpful , not debilitating – view stress as energy you can use ; 2 ) View yourself as able to handle , and even learn and grow from , the stress in your life ; and 3 ) View stress as something that everyone deals with , and not something that proves how uniquely screwed up you or your life is .” 17
1 . McGonigal K . The upside of stress : why stress is good for you , and how to get good at it . New York : Avery , a member of Penguin Random House ; 2015 .
2 . LeBlanc VR . The effects of acute stress on performance : implications for health professions education . Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges . 2009 ; 84 ( 10 Suppl ): S25-33 .
3 . Affleck G Fau - Tennen H , Tennen H Fau - Croog S , Croog S Fau - Levine S , Levine S . Causal attribution , perceived benefits , and morbidity after a heart attack : an 8-year study . ( 0022-006X ( Print )).
4 . Blumenthal JA , Sherwood A , Smith PJ , et al . Enhancing Cardiac Rehabilitation With Stress Management Training : A Randomized , Clinical Efficacy Trial . Circulation . 2016 ; 133 ( 14 ): 1341-1350 .
5 . Keller A , Litzelman K , Wisk LE , et al . Does the perception that stress affects health matter ? The association with health and mortality . Health Psychol . 2012 ; 31 ( 5 ): 677-684 .
6 . Crum AJ , Salovey P , Achor S . Rethinking stress : the role of mindsets in determining the stress response . J Pers Soc Psychol . 2013 ; 104 ( 4 ): 716-733 .
7 . Bower JE , Low CA , Moskowitz JT , Sepah S , Epel E . Benefit Finding and Physical Health : Positive Psychological Changes and Enhanced Allostasis . Social and Personality Psychology Compass . 2008 ; 2 ( 1 ): 223-244 .
8 . Sapolsky RM . Why zebras don ’ t get ulcers / Robert M . Sapolsky . 3rd ed . New York : Times Books ; 2004 .
9 . Loehr JE , Schwartz T . The power of full engagement : managing energy , not time , is the key to high performance and personal renewal . New York : Free Press ; 2003 .
10 . Rossi EL , Nimmons D . The 20-minute break : reduce stress , maximize performance , and improve health and emotional well-being using the new science of ultradian rhythms . 1st ed . Los Angeles New York : J . P . Tarcher ;
Distributed by St . Martin ’ s Press ; 1991 .
11 . Pennebaker JW . Expressive Writing in Psychological Science . Perspect Psychol Sci . 2018 ; 13 ( 2 ): 226-229 .
12 . Taylor SE , Klein Lc Fau - Lewis BP , Lewis Bp Fau - Gruenewald TL , Gruenewald Tl Fau - Gurung RA , Gurung Ra Fau - Updegraff JA , Updegraff JA . Biobehavioral responses to stress in females : tend-and-befriend , not fight-or-flight . ( 0033-295X ( Print )).
13 . Bloom P . Against empathy : the case for rational compassion . First edition . ed . New York , NY : Ecco , an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers ; 2016 .
14 . Singer T , Klimecki OM . Empathy and compassion . Curr Biol . 2014 ; 24 ( 18 ): R875-R878 .
15 . Poulin MJ , Brown SL , Dillard AJ , Smith DM . Giving to others and the association between stress and mortality . Am J Public Health . 2013 ; 103 ( 9 ): 1649- 1655 .
16 . Stone J , Mitrofanis J , Johnstone DM , et al . Acquired Resilience : An Evolved System of Tissue Protection in Mammals . Dose Response . 2018 ; 16 ( 4 ): 1559325818803428 .
17 . Parker CB . Embracing stress is more important than reducing stress , Stanford psychologist says . Standford News Web site . https :// news . stanford . edu / 2015 / 05 / 07 / stress-embrace-mcgonigal-050715 /. Published 2015 . Accessed January 24 , 2021 .
Dr . Huecker is a practicing University of Louisville emergency medicine physician and faculty member .
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