Louisville Medicine Volume 67, Issue 6 | Page 10

PHYSICIANS ON THE FRONT LINE (continued from page 7) Charles Oberst, MD Captain, US Air Force 1961-1964 John O'Brien, MD Major, US Army 1969-1975 Clinton Potts, MD Corporal, US Marine Corps 1944-1946 Russell Rice, MD Lieutenant Colonel, US Army 1964-1970 Benjamin Rigor, MD Captain, MC, US Navy Two Years of Active Duty and 25 Years Active Reservist Braden Robbins UofL Medical Student Captain, US Army Served 7 years John Rumisek, MD Colonel, US Army 1972-2002 Robert Schiavone, MD Lieutenant Commander, US Navy 1966-1968 Vietnam Conflict Jerry Seligman, MD Lieutenant Commander, USPHS 1966-1968 Brian Sosnin, MD Second Lieutenant, US Army Served 10 years Harry Stephenson, MD Major, Surgeon General’s Corps 1968-1973 Maynard Stetten, MD Lieutenant Colonel, US Air Force 1966-1972 Stuart Urbach, MD Captain, US Air Force 1952-1954 Peter Urda, DO Private First Class, US Marine Corps 1969-1970 Served during Vietnam War George Webb, MD Captain, US Air Force 1963-1965 8 LOUISVILLE MEDICINE Walter Reed Army Hospital, Washington D.C. Jerry Phelps, MD Lieutenant Commander, US Navy 1961-1969