Louisville Medicine Volume 67, Issue 4 | Page 12

PUBLIC HEALTH NEW LAWS AND POLICY CHANGES PROMISE TO IMPROVE HEALTH AUTHOR Sarah Moyer, MD, MPH P ublic health is undergoing its third revolutionary modernization, apt- ly named Public Health 3.0. The promise of this modernization is the sort of sweeping societal im- provements we first saw in the early 1900s with the advent of vaccines and sanitation. Unfortunately, life expectancy, for the first time since the great flu pandemic of 1918, has declined for the last three years in the US (Kenneth D. Ko- 10 LOUISVILLE MEDICINE chanek et. al., December, 2017). Furthermore, there is clear lack of progress on health equity (Frederick J. Zimmerman & Nathaniel W. Anderson, June 28, 2019). Improvements in Louisvilleā€™s collective life expectancy and qual- ity of life will not be made in the lab or the exam room, but through developing better social policy and advocating for policy change. PUBLIC HEALTH MODERNIZATION Public Health 1.0 began in the late 19 th century, when health policy