AUTHOR McKenna Byerley
phthalmologist Frank R. Burns, MD, was installed as the
127 th President of the Greater Louisville Medical Society,
succeeding outgoing President Wayne Tuckson, MD.
Physician members, family, friends and colleagues of Dr.
Burns attended the celebration, which was hosted at the
newly renovated Speed Art Museum. taking part in the GLMS Wear the White Coat Program, which is
one of the best programs our Society has ever created.”
During his presidential address, Dr. Burns stressed
the importance of organized medicine and how being involved in
GLMS amplifies the individual physician voice. As former chair of
the GLMS Policy and Advocacy Team, Dr. Burns encouraged phy-
sician members to develop relationships with legislators. “I would
like for everyone in this room to realize that you can all develop a
relationship with your legislator and also other legislators not in your
district… The way I have developed these relationships is by taking
the time to go to Frankfort and D.C., to go to fundraisers… or, by In addition to the installation of a new president and board chair,
internal medicine physician Dr. Monalisa Tailor was announced as
the new President-Elect.
Dr. Burns completed his address by acknowledging the impor-
tance of the patient-physician relationship. “If you feel strongly
about protecting your patients from harm, you must advocate for
them. You must put yourself out there. It is not too late.”
McKenna Byerley is the Membership and PR Specialist for the Greater Louisville
Medical Society.
Photos from the 2019 Presidents' Celebration can be found on pages 6 and 7.
JULY 2019