Louisville Medicine Volume 67, Issue 2 | Page 32

PHYSICIANS IN PRINT Manchikanti L, Benyamin R, Helm Ii S, Hirsch JA. Cost Effectiveness of Lumbar Epidural Ste- roid Injections Provides Inaccurate Information. Pain Physician. 2019 May;22(3):E245. PubMed PMID: 31151354. Manchikanti L, Hirsch JA. Song Using Medicare Prices, ACA Marketplace. Pain Physician. 2019 May;22(3):E237. PubMed PMID: 31151349. Kaye AD, Jones MR, Viswanath O, Candido KD, Boswell MV, Soin A, Sanapati M, Harned ME, Simopoulos TT, Diwan S, Albers SL, Datta S, Falco FJ, Manchikanti L. ASIPP Guidelines for Sedation and Fasting Status of Patients Under- going Interventional Pain Management Proce- dures. Pain Physician. 2019 May;22(3):201-207. PubMed PMID: 31151329. Passias PG, Bortz CA, Lafage V, Lafage R, Smith JS, Line B, Eastlack R, Gupta MC, Hostin RA, Horn SR, Segreto FA, Egers M, Sciubba DM, Gum JL, Kebaish KM, Klineberg EO, Burton DC, Schwab FJ, Shaffrey CI, Ames CP, Bess S. 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