Teresita Bacani-Oropilla, MD
he seasons come and go with
their pleasures and woes. Hu-
mankind, with its creativity, has
managed to celebrate or cope
with the capricious weather and
circumstances which go with these cyclic
happenings. They even try to predict these
changes so as to plan for their own future. rebel against guidance and help. They become the flotsam, dried
up and abandoned in some distant wasteland. These are the hap-
less ones who cause misery to themselves and those who truly care
for them.
But, what is the future? Would it roughly mean “What is to
come?” Do we have a hand in it? It depends. Like the pain chart we see in doctor’s offices, on a scale of one
to 10, where are we in the categories of productivity, spirituality,
happiness and contentment? If we find ourselves on the lower end
of the scales, are there cures or remedies for our plight? Will we
pursue them?
Many plan their future with precision and a goal in mind.
Some follow the path of least resistance and float along the ocean
of life, and like flotsam, land on any shore they are washed upon.
Some are fortunate. Born with silver spoons in their mouths,
they enjoy the assets handed down to them by their ancestors.
They perpetuate their legacies, the material goods and moral val-
ues they were raised on. They continue to be the salt of the earth.
Others start with no such privileges and under dire circum-
stances. But, through sheer efforts of will, brawn and inspiration,
they live to realize their dreams or even attain greatness.
Where are we in this spectrum? It is good to know because
the future begins today. As the seasons come and go, and the new
years come along, we are reminded to assess where we are and
what we want to be.
If you find yourself on the higher end of the scale, congratula-
tions on having the insight, the will and the discipline to be there.
In an old motto of past era, “Keep Them Flying!” meant con-
tinued victory. Therefore, “Keep Them Flying!”
A Blessed and Happy New Year, 2019!
Dr. Bacani-Oropilla is a retired psychiatrist.
Still others, through unfortunate coincidences, are misled or