Louisville Medicine Volume 66, Issue 6 | Page 23

FOOD INSECURITY Cooking with Heart Mobile Kitchen. With a grant provided by Lift a Life, Simple Cooking with Heart Mobile Kitchen is designed to teach cooking competence and confi- dence. The program’s primary goal is the empowerment of families to change their health for the positive by choosing to eat nutritious, delicious and affordable meals they cook at home. The Simple Cooking with Heart Mobile Kitchen provides “hands on” cooking classes which teach everyday cooking skills, increase knowledge of nutrition, and build confidence of participants to prepare healthy meals many times over. The Simple Cooking program plans to leverage expertise of local partners to implement at sites throughout the city, such as Smoketown Family Wellness Center, Fresh Stop Markets, Louisville Grows and more. CHECK. CHANGE. CONTROL. “Check. Change. Control.” was designed to eliminate the disparity of high blood pressure among our city’s residents. It’s an evidence-based hypertension management program which uses blood pressure self-monitoring to empower participants to take ownership of their cardiovascular health. The program incorporates the concepts of remote monitoring, online tracking and recruitment of local vol- unteer health mentors to encourage participants. The first step of managing your blood pressure is monitoring it on a regular basis. This initiative is a four-month program which uses the online tracker and enables participants to check their blood pressure twice a month. The educational program focuses on simple changes you can make to improve your overall health. TARGET: BP/YMCA The AHA has a strong history of collaboration, and now we have combined forces with the American Medical Association (AMA) and the National YMCA to deliver a blood pressure control program known as “Target: BP” to eight cities. Along with Atlanta, St. Louis, Lexington, Nashville, Memphis, Jacksonville and Tulsa, Louisville will serve as a growth center for this exciting partnership. Presently, we have nine Family Health Centers engaged in this initiative and seeking providers. Target: BP provides access to supporting materials including fact sheets, podcasts and videos to help patients and physicians under- stand and use the evidence-based best practices and standardized processes of the M.A.P. framework: measure accurately, act rapidly and partner with patients, families and communities. In our test cities, the YMCA enables community engagement by delivering their Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program, while the AHA simultaneously engages clinicians by offering access to the latest research and resources to meet and sustain blood pressure goal rates within patient populations. By collaborating, we are systematically developing a model for improving blood pressure control that includes identifying individuals with high blood pres- sure, connecting them to treatment (both clinic and community), promoting home and community-based self-management, and facilitating communication among patients and community-based providers. Our end goal is for insured patients in each city to have a blood pressure control rate above 70 percent. Participants who come to two scheduled sessions with the YMCA in the first month will receive a free three-month family membership at the YMCA facilities. Our efforts continue to result in extraordinarily positive impact by focusing on health equity and empowering individuals and com- munities to live longer, healthier lives. If you would like to learn more about any of our programs including how you can get involved, contact our Community Impact Director at tracy.monks@heart.org. WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP? » » Implement Target: BP in your clinical setting » » Join the Target Blood Pressure Symposium Planning Committee » » Implement Check. Change. Control. in your clinical setting » » Implement a Mobile Kitchen in an underserved community or host one at your site » » Encourage your worksite to participate in the Workplace Well- ness Index Dawn Wigginton is the Communications Director for the American Heart Association’s Louisville branch. Tracy Monks is the Community Impact Director for the AHA Louisville branch. Target: BP is a nationwide initiative to address high blood pres- sure (HBP) in the United States. Its goal is to reduce the number of Americans who have heart attacks and strokes by supporting physician practices and health systems in improving diagnosis and blood pressure control rates among patients with hypertension. NOVEMBER 2018 21