Louisville Medicine Volume 66, Issue 12 | Page 27

FEATURE reader to the temptress Sirens who wished to seduce him and his crew. They are so beguiling that Odysseus has his men lash him to the ship mast to resist their fatal attraction as his rowers power the boat past their island. The massive wealth accumulating from the digital machines is in the hands of those who own the patents and the manufacturers who sell the machines. The information they use to feed the ma- chines is free. An economy needs to be developed so the middle class can profit and survive. For example, the recording industry, supported and managed by the middle class for decades, is now a digital music business. We operate on the Judeo-Christian-Islamic ethic embedded in the Hippocratic Oath. We have no hiding place. We must be the soul of the machine in the digitalized age. In our democratic society, our only hope is in the political are- na. Big Pharma, hospital corporations, insurance companies, etc., control Congress. Our task is great to keep the middle class from growing poorer - and preserving our humanity. Dr. Weiss practices Cardiovascular Disease Medicine with Medical Center Cardiologists Unemployment will increase with possible political unrest. Non-specialist doctors have already lost a degree of self-determi- nation, and soon complex surgery will fall to Moore’s Law. Insurance companies, Big Pharma and hospital chains saw this coming and are positioned to further decimate the middle-class wage earner. The medical profession did not see and appreciate this economic reality. This is now the great conundrum - how to begin to redistribute the wealth and maintain humanism. All our other petty grievances pale before this specter. A machine or tool is worthless unless a human uses it and in- terprets the data the machine expectorates. Is it too late to intervene and preserve the moral and ethical bedrock of our profession? The Oath of Hippocrates includes all we need to know. Change is the only constant. Progress is inevitable. But, how can we harness this for the well-being of our patients? Empathy is only found in humans, not computers. We must realize and insist that each person is the owner of his or her data, not a multinational corporation that owns and operates the cloud. These “data thieves” need to deposit a nano amount - each time they use a person’s data. This will add up, and perhaps help solve the unemployment problem now rising from this industrialization. The computers can easily do this distribution. Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad are more than great adventure and war stories. The events in both books are metaphors for the human condition - hero and traitor; good and evil; honesty and falsehood. The Sirens surround us. We must lash ourselves to the staff of Asclepius, god of healing, and always remember that computers have no souls and the people who own and manage the multination corporations are hidden. They have souls like all homo sapiens (and maybe even my beloved dog), but they hide behind their machines. They operate on the business ethic of profit, not the Hippocratic ethic. Witness the recent mortgage and bank failures; the businesses were fined but no CEOs have gone to prison. PROFESSIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT PACKAGE The GLMS Professional Announcement Package provides mailings and printed announcements in the monthly publications to let your colleagues know about changes in your practice. Outsource your next mailing to GLMS. CONTACT Amanda Edmondson Director of Communications & Marketing 502.736.6330 [email protected] MAY 2019 25