GLMS Alliance NEWS
Debi McDonald, President - [email protected]
The GLMS Alliance exists to promote support among physician families and better the health and wellness of
our community through supporting local charities. Together we live a life unique to the challenges and rewards
of being a physician family. If you are a physician or the spouse/child/parent of a physician, please JOIN US! For
more information, visit the Alliance link on the website.
upplies over Seas, the Louisville-based global health
organization, recently sent out its first major shipment
of the year thanks to the generosity of GLMS Alliance
The GLMS Alliance, in collaboration with Healing
the Children, donated over $150,000 worth of medical supplies
and equipment to the Whispers Magical Children’s Hospital in
Uganda. The supplies, which left Louisville on February 5 th , included
an anesthesia machine, a baby incubator, a defibrillator, hospital
beds and more.
Prior to shipment, several members of the GLMS Alliance visited
Supplies Over Seas to help load the equipment on to a 40-foot ocean
going container. The hospital in Uganda was desperately in need of
these supplies to treat malaria and sickle cell disease.
GLMS Alliance members Rhonda Rhodes, Rebecca Dixon, Michelle
Fager, Millicent Evans, Debi McDonald, Brenda Tuckson and Karen
McDonald and Sonnier filling the container.
Dixon and McDonald with the container as it
prepares for travel.
Brenda Tuckson and Karin Sonnier, who have
collectively volunteered at SOS for more than
16 years, check in medical equipment.
GLMS Alliance Past-President Rhonda Rhodes and President Debi
McDonald help carry supplies.
Rebecca McDonald moves an incubator for
SOS staff, along with Debi McDonald and Rebecca Dixon, finalize the
container for shipment to Uganda.
MARCH 2019