Koby Karp
Doctors Eye Institute
Welcomes Dr. Nandini Menon
Dr. Nandini Menon has joined our team at Koby Karp Doctors Eye Institute
specializing in Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Dr Menon comes to Louisville from Northwest Indiana and the Chicago area.
She completed residency training at the Northwestern University where she
served as chief resident. She has continued to assist with surgical training at
both Northwestern University Department of Ophthalmology and at the
University of Chicago Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. Dr.
Menon worked as a Research Coordinator and assisted in clinical research at
the University of Chicago.
After receiving her medical degree at Kasturba Medical College in Karnataka,
India, Dr. Menon worked as a physician for 4 years and also practiced
Ophthalmology in Malaysia before coming to the United States.
4004 Dupont Circle
Louisville, KY 40207