In Remembrance
June 6, 1940 – May 12, 2017
r. William Barnett Owen Edelen, a highly valued member
of the local medical community and cherished member
of the Greater Louisville Medical Society, passed away
May 12, 2017 at the age of 76.
Dr. W. B. Owen Edelen made a lifetime commitment to med-
icine, serving Louisville by following in the footsteps of multiple
generations of physicians in his family. Those who pioneered the
way were his paternal grandfather Dr. Charles A. Edelen and father
Dr. Charles M. Edelen, as well as his maternal family Dr. Virgil
Gibney, Dr. Charles Vance and grandfather Dr. William Barnett
Owen (Kosair Children’s Hospital).
Practitioner and clinical professor with the Department of Oph-
thalmology at the University of Louisville, Children’s and Veterans
Hospital, Dr. Edelen was a passionate champion of the Louisville
medical community. He believed deeply in the value of mentoring
young medical professionals and spent much of his life caring for
the medically underserved community. A member of The Greater
Louisville Medical Society and Kentucky Medical Association, Dr.
Edelen served on the Board of Trustees for Frazier Rehab Institute
and was chairman of the Peer Review committee for Jewish Hospital
and St. Mary’s Elizabeth Hospital.
By Anne Edelen, wife of Dr. Owen Edelen.
A 1973 graduate of the University of Louisville Medical School,
Dr. Edelen spent over three decades caring for thousands of patients
as a board-certified Ophthalmologist, until his retirement in 2009.
Dr. Edelen was a GLMS member for 43 years.