put on your white coat, it means you’ve become a person of science.”
And that’s just what they did. Each student was called to the
stage and a physician helped them don their white coats, purchased
by GLMS, for the very first time. They were also given their own
stethoscope before Vice Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education
Dr. Monica Ann Shaw led everyone in a reciting of the Declaration
of Geneva.
Dr. Robert Couch then took to the podium, welcoming them to
Louisville and to their new medical society.
“We are dedicated to contributing to your success in medical
school; indeed the community here that we serve also has a stake
in seeing that you become good doctors,” Dr. Couch said. “This day,
your first day as a medical student, is a landmark day in your life. You
and your families should feel proud of what you’ve accomplished to
get to this point. You now need to focus your energies on becoming
the absolute best physician that you can be.”
After closing remarks from Dr. Mike Ostapchuk, Associate Dean
of Student Affairs, the ceremony came to a close. GLMS was on
hand with Hollie Colwick Photography to take free professional
headshots of each new student. Approximately 150 students had
their photo taken and formally joined GLMS.
GLMS is excited to welcome the Class of 2021!
Aaron Burch is the communications specialist for the Greater Louisville
Medical Society.