a total of 65 - as part of the chapter headings. By August 1454 the
work is complete. Almost 21 months of unanticipated hardship
ultimately achieved a success that no-one had been sure was possible.
The retrospective narrative that winds through the novel starts
with chapter 4. It is then 1485 and Peter is sharing with Johannes
Trithemius, the Abbot of Sponheim Abbey, the story of his first en-
counter with and involvement in Gutenberg and his bible. We learn
that Gutenberg dissolved his partnership with Johann Fust in 1455.
Gutenberg was commissioned to print another Bible by the Bishop of
Bamberg and in 1465 was appointed to the court of the Archbishop
of Mainz. He died in 1468. After their break with Gutenberg, Peter
and his stepfather created the firm of Fust & Schoeffer. Peter went
on to become the world’s first major printer creating a dynasty that
lasted for four generations. His 1457 Mainz Psalter is considered by
many to be the most beautiful book ever printed. Laura R. Klein, Denise L. Puthuff, MD,
Michelle H. Hannigan, APRN
The author does not attempt to pontificate on the differing quali-
ties of irascible brilliance, enlightened self-interest, artistic perfection
and the long, hard slog. Her book is a tale well told of a group of
individuals who, while focused on an immediate goal, are no less
bound by their awareness and concern for the impact of their work
on the future, and their willingness to shoulder that responsibility. in the fields of
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