Denise Puthuff , MD
It was very interesting to return to Managua after my first visit 10 years ago . Ed and Barbara were still our missionary hosts , so that was comforting . I was the only dermatologist , and would be spending every morning at the National Dermatology Hospital . I had been there before on my last trip . It was nice to see that some improvements had been made , and very nice to meet the residents and work with them . The people were very kind and happy to see us . In the afternoons , I would see families from the Pathways to Change program . It was very enjoyable . Evenings at the guesthouse were relaxing , talking with old friends and making new ones . Altogether the entire trip was busy , fun and fulfilling . I was happy that I got to participate . I would encourage anyone with an interest to sign up for our next trip . It ’ s an experience of a lifetime .
Dr . Puthuff practices with Brownsboro Dermatology , PLLC , and serves the GLMS Foundation as Medical Missions Committee Chair .
Cynthia Rigby MDThe Medical Missions Initiative of the
GLMS Foundation provides many volunteer opportunities , local , regional and international . After seven trips to Managua , Nicaragua , my experience has been tempered and expanded . It has been a pleasure to work with the families in the Hand in Hand Ministries education program and staff the clinic that does checkups in the afternoons . Watching the children grow up and teaching health literacy to children and parents who are eager to learn is really gratifying . We have also been introduced to other groups in the area , and learned much about Nicaraguan history and culture .
Two years ago , surgeons from U of L ’ s Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery Program went with us to support the only specially trained surgeon at the national maternity hospital ( Hospital Berta Calderon Roque ). They invited him to come to Louisville to observe their program , to help him set up training for the OB / GYN residents . Last October , Dr . Quezada was able to complete a 2-week observation at University Hospital , and visited Supplies Over Seas to acquire medical equipment to start a training program . When we visited the hospital in January , we discovered that the hospital was sending its gynecologic oncologists to Spain for three months training in the discipline , to be proctored by Dr . Quezada when they returned . The hospital has been very welcoming to me and the pediatricians ; staff members have become colleagues over the years . The new administrator of the hospital was a resident in the lectures I gave with Dr . Grimaldi a few years ago , which was a nice surprise .
In 2016 , we were invited to volunteer at another NGO supported health center , the AMOS Foundation . One of its clinics on the periphery of Managua was our work site . That year , I saw patients for the staff OB / GYN , who was on maternity leave . This year , they reserved consults for my clinic ; we also brought them a video colposcope that had been donated by Anita Kotheimer , MD . AMOS sends public health workers into remote parts of the country , and the video colposcope will be used to teach the public health workers to recognize conditions that would need referral and treatment . Courtney Nanney was a great help in assembly , instruction and setup for the staff . I also brought textbooks and instruments for colposcopy . Next year , we have an invitation to travel to one of the remote teaching sites that is in partnership with the Nicaraguan government . And so it grows , and grows , and grows …
Dr . Rigby works as a consultant / contract medical examiner for Kentucky Retirement Systems , and also for ACOG ' s Safety Certification in Outpatient Excellence in Women ' s Health program .
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