President Rob Zaring & 125 Years
Aaron Burch
wo hundred Greater Louisville Medical Society members
and their families visited the new GLMS headquarters in
the Fleur-de-Lis Building on Sunday, May 21, for the 2017
Presidents’ Celebration. former GLMS initiatives such as The Healing Place and Supplies
Over Seas, Dr. Zaring moved from the past to the future and un-
veiled the new GLMS logo, a Fleur-de-Lis wrapped in a snake and
colored in rich hues of red and blue.
The day was a major milestone for GLMS, which celebrated not
only a new president or putting the finishing touches on a new
work space, but also its own 125 th anniversary, as the Society was
founded back in 1892. “The Fleur-de-Lis reminds us of our connection to our traditions
but also to the community we serve,” Dr. Zaring said. “The three
leaves of the Fleur-de-Lis and the three rings the snake forms signify
the three aspects of the society (GLMS, the GLMS Foundation, and
MSPS) all working together for the community’s health. The goal is
to remind us that all elements of the Society should be closely aligned
and working together to better serve the general community and
our members. I really hope you enjoy the new logo and take it as a
sign that the Society is hard at work for you, continuing the great
things we have done and constantly trying to improve.”
The celebration began with outgoing President John Roberts,
MD, who welcomed everyone and briefly discussed the successes
of the Society during his presidency.
“It has been a sincere pleasure serving as your President over the
last 12 months,” Dr. Roberts said. “It has been an honor and one of
the most rewarding experiences of my career.” He then passed the
ceremonial gavel to incoming president Rob Zaring, MD, MMM,
as family and friends looked on. In return, Dr. Zaring honored the
outgoing president with thanks and a plaque to mark the end of
his presidency.
In his first official act as GLMS President, Dr. Zaring announced
the results of the recent GLMS election and congratulated all in-
coming officers including President-Elect Wayne Tuckson, MD,
Vice President Frank Burns, MD, and Treasurer Brian Sosnin, DO.
“Congratulations to all our elected leaders for GLMS. Consider
yourselves officially installed,” he said, before asking all members in
attendance to consider joining a GLMS committee and have their
voices heard. “If you receive a call to participate, I urge you to say
yes and get involved. We need each other if we want to continue to
have a positive impact.”
In his first speech as new president, Dr. Zaring spoke about the
history of GLMS and some of its many accomplishments. “We have
much to be proud of when we think of our past,” Dr. Zaring said.
“First, we can simply think of all the changes medicine has made
since our founding in 1892 and the society is still here serving all
of us. And, we have an active membership shown by your presence
After touching on the successes of the GLMS Foundation and
Earlier, GLMS CEO/Exec. Vice President Bert Guinn, MBA, CAE,
announced the winners of the 2017 Richard Spear, MD, Memorial
Essay Contest. The topic this year was “What Drives You Crazy in
Health Care?”
Natalie Spiller was the winner in the Student/In-Training Cat-
egory for her essay, “What Drives You Crazy – A Story.” She was
presented with a plaque and a check for $750. Morris Weiss, MD,
was announced as the winner for the Practicing/Life Category. He
was presented with a plaque and a check for $1,500 in recognition
of his essay, “Ethical & Moral Consideration in 21 st Century Medi-
cine.” You can read both essays, beginning on page 16 in this issue.
After the event concluded, members were given free tickets to
attend the Louisville Bats doubleheader across the street at Slugger
Aaron Burch is the communications specialist for the Greater Louisville
Medical Society.
View all the photos from the event at