Louisville Medicine Volume 65, Issue 11 | Page 18

FEATURE A y c a g Le N O I T C A OF A Look Back in Louisville Medicine In the 65 years since Louisville Magazine’s inception, countless topics have passed through its pages. What started as a simple informational “Bulletin” quickly turned into an ever-evolving voice for physicians and health care professionals to discuss the state of medicine in all its forms. One thing that hasn’t changed in our pages is the passion which our physicians have displayed for their fellow men and women. Open our archives to any point in their history, and you’ll find dedicated people attempting to better the health care system we all work within. Included in the fol- lowing pages are a few examples of those doctors in action. Whether it’s past-president Dr. Larry Griffin advocating for better patient care, the esteemed Dr. Frank Miller discussing the tragic events of the Standard Gravure shooting, Dr. Teresita Bacani-Oropilla traveling overseas to help those in need, or our editor, Dr. Mary Barry, calling for a higher quality government response following Hurricane Katrina: these articles have a common thread of physicians acting upon what they believe in and putting actions into writing as a call for others. Each day, our physicians are called upon to better the lives of others. Louisville Medicine is happy to be a part of that mission and that legacy. 16 LOUISVILLE MEDICINE