Louisville Medicine Volume 64, Issue 8 | Page 14



Teresita Bacani-Oropilla , MD
“ Oh , what a beautiful morning , Oh , what a beautiful day I have a wonderful feeling Everything ’ s going my way ! “
From the musical , “ Oklahoma ,” by Rodgers and Hammerstein

Although the lyrics of this song refer to sunshiny days in the Oklahoma prairies , it can also apply to the crisp cold days in winter when the breezes tend to tingle one ’ s senses and make one feel alive .

The calendar has changed and the New Year 2017 is upon us ! The joys and turmoil of 2016 are gone . Was it always meant to be that the cycle of life gives us a chance to periodically start all over again ? We can review our past with a critical eye , pinpoint that which gave us the most satisfaction , those that made us reach our spiritual and material goals of living , no matter how trivial . Likewise , we see our pitfalls , and are able to assess whether they are important enough to remedy in order to make us feel whole .
The vista before us is a newly minted year to do as we please with resources that we have at hand . It matters not at what stage in life we are . Whether we are young or old , rich or poor , subsist in a Third World country or enjoy luxury in a modern country : we all have experiences behind us , perils to flee from , dreams to fulfill and , best of all , the drive for life to attain them .
We do however , have to have faith in a Higher Being or , in ourselves , a firm belief that everything will work out for the better in our future and for those around us . Regarding the latter , we have to take heed that “ No man is an island . “
Thus fortified , we have to be optimistic and appreciate our beautiful mornings and days . And , it definitely pays to have a song in one ’ s heart .
Have a great year ! Dr . Oropilla is a retired psychiatrist .