Louisville Medicine Volume 64, Issue 12 | Page 13

husband and children were there as we disconnected the vent. As the family is grieving and the cleaning crew is putting Room 9 back together, a police officer there with us solemnly remarked, “What a fucking shame,” a bit colorful but certainly a thought that we all echoed. Then I went back to work, trying to untangle the ER after being two hours absent from the new and active patients. After the remainder of a rough shift, I headed home. When I was nearly home, excited to see my family, and looking forward to dinner together, the officer’s comment again popped into my head. I began to consider losing a daughter in such a senseless manner: one bad choice: and your mother, your daughter is no more. I cannot imagine losing my wife so prematurely, so suddenly. I cannot begin to imagine kissing her goodbye in the morning and disconnecting her from the vent in the evening - never seeing her again. So many lives are forever changed. It’s so unendurably final. There is no way her children could have anticipated that yesterday was the last bedtime story they would hear from mom, the last hug and kiss goodnight, the last smile, the last look: what a terrible, awful shame. Every time I leave Connor, I think about the fragile nature of life, how precious our life is to those we love and those who love us. I drive a little more safely to work. I am a little more patient. I spend a little more time reassuring parents and explaining follow-up in- structions. When I take care of a child, I imagine Connor in someone else’s hands, try to feel what the parents all feel. It is a strange thing leaving my child to take care of others, yet a humbling blessing to do what we do. Dr. Brian Ferguson is a PGY2 Emergency Medicine Resident at the University of Louisville Hospital. PHYSICIANS IN PRINT - Buller M, Heiman A, Davis J, Lee TJ, Ajkay N, Wilhelmi BJ. 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