( continued from page 7 ) methodology are evolving and that this might not have been an accurate assessment , especially since air pollutants such as nitrogen oxide or ozone are not counted for additional risk . In the United States , the report finds a median PM 2.5 µ m levels of 8 mcg / m ³. In China the median PM 2.5 level is an enormous 54 mcg / m ³ and in India , an unbreathable 62 mcg / m ³.
I recommend reading Richard Connif ’ s report in the NYT , January 21 , about trying to survive Bejing ’ s foul air . Think of the pictures beamed back from the 2008 Olympics , even though especially draconian driving restrictions were enforced during the Games .
The US EPA air quality standards for PM 2.5 call for no more than an annual mean of 12 µ m mcg / m ³. The WHO suggests a lower PM 2.5 standard of 10 mcg / m ³. In 2010 , Jefferson County ’ s mean 2.5 PM of 14.7 mcg / m ³ exceeded the EPA goal , but by 2015 hit the mark at 11.2 mcg / m ³ in 2015 ( EPA ’ s Air-Quality Statistics ).
The improvement in toxic emissions in Jefferson County is also reflected in the EPA report of the air quality index ( AQI ). The AQI is a measure of overall air pollutant concentration over a specified average period . Many countries have different ways to calculate the air quality index . Therefore , it is not easy to compare air quality
indices from different continents , but standardization within a country is better . The air quality index in the United States is based on ground-level ozone , particulate matter , carbon monoxide , sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide . The index in the US is converted into six categories from good ( 0-50 ), unhealthy ( 100-150 ) and so on , ranging up to hazardous ( 401-500 ). The air quality index in Jefferson County was unhealthy a total of 69 days in 2010 ; it has continuously improved over the years to only 14 days in 2015 ( EPA AQI Daily Report ).
The fact that the air quality improved with enforcement of the Clean Air Act over the last eight years , with using new technology in Louisville ’ s power plants , is a good reason not to accept poor air quality in our city as a consequence of fate and geography . Thanks to prudent regulations , dedicated citizens and officials , we are clearing the air that becomes our breath . It is a good investment to “ make Louisville healthier again .”
Dr . Kloecker is an associate professor at the University of Louisville School of Medicine Division of Medical Oncology and Hematology . He is director of the Hematology-Medical Oncology Fellowship Program .
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