“I’d say this was easily one of the most
eye opening experiences I’ve had. I have
a new respect for the medical field. If no
one ever tells you that you’re appreciated, you’re absolutely appreciated in my
life. God bless you.”
Pastor Timothy Findley, Jr.
“I saw the team concept first hand. …
This isn’t about fun and games or money, it’s really about the oath on this coat
and making people well.”
Councilman Steve Magre
“The first observation is how much
passion Dr. Murphy has. It was
remarkable to see how everyone worked
together. I felt like Dr. Murphy really
knew his patients and I could tell why
they love him.”
Remy Noble, Project Manager of
Humana Foundation
“Your mission is to help people and
we’re making you spend time elsewhere.
We have to break down those barriers
and still respect the patient. Seeing what
Dr. Ragland had the ability to do was really unique. I can’t thank you all enough
for letting me participate.”
State Representative Larry Clark
“I got to experience Dr. Shorye Payne’s
passion. I tried to put myself in the
patient’s chair and tried to feel what
the patient feels. I felt very fortunate to
Councilwoman Cheri Bryant Hamilton