Karin Sonnier
The GLMS Alliance visits Supplies Over Seas.
he Greater Louisville Medical Society
Alliance members recently participated
in the Travis French Memorial Blood
Drive on February 19 in conjunction with the
Extell Corporation. Together, we donated 22
pints of blood.
On April 18-19, several of our members will participate in the
KMAA Spring Meeting in Lexington.
Our March event took place on Friday, March
18 where members were updated and certified on current CPR practices through CPR
Solutions of Louisville. This event was in honor of Doctors’ Day.
Karen Sonnier is the 2015-2016 president of the GLMS Alliance and
the wife of George Sonnier, MD.
If anyone would like further information about these events or has
questions about our organization, please contact me at KLSRD@
In April, members will meet at the newly renovated Speed Art
Museum on April 12 for a tour and luncheon.
APRIL 2016