Louisville Loop Master Plan loopmasterplan_draft_041813sm_0 | Page 22
Louisville and Jefferson County Parks and
Open Space Master Plan (1995)
Completed in 1995, the master plan was intended to provide the vision
and framework for development of Louisville and Jefferson County’s
parks, recreation facilities, and open spaces for the next 25 years. The
plan outlined four specific goals to provide:
• A system of well-maintained parks and recreational facilities
which meets the needs of the residents of Louisville and Jef-
ferson County
• A network of open spaces and greenway corridors which
protects significant natural resources
• A parks and open space system which preserves and
enhances visual quality, protects historic and archaeological
resources, and provides opportunities for education; and
• An open space network which incorporates land needed to
protect public health and safety.
A major recommendation of the plan included the addition of nearly
6,000 acres of greenways and regional parkland and over 2,000 acres
of local parkland distributed throughout the county in areas of need.
The vision for the Loop arouse out of the Parks and Open Space
Master plan. The idea to create linear greenways to connect parks and
open space was elaborated within the plan to be a “County Loop” trail
linking the Ohio River Corridor, through the Jefferson County Memorial
Forest, eastward to Floyds Fork, and then north again to the Ohio River.
Louisville and Jefferson County Multi-Objec-
tive Stream Co