Louisiana Rubber Down Magazine November Vol. 12 | Page 36

MILITARY MC CLUBS A MERICAN LEG I O N RI DERS P O S T 1 7 5 [email protected] “ WAR RI O R FAM I LY U NI T Y PRO JEC T ” Providing assistance and services to the spouse/dependents of our military members, who may no longer qualify for benefits under existing policy, to positively effect and maintain FAMILY UNITY, during the “post service” transition. CO MBAT VETERA NS M O T O RC Y C L E A S S N. [email protected] CO NFEDERATIO N O F L EAT H ERNE C KS M C [email protected] GREE N NI G H T S M C 757-348-4699 F OR GOTTEN EA GLES FIG H T I NG F O R RI G H T S O F P O W/M I A “ T H E S P EC . M AT T H E W W. C O M EA U X WA R RI O R P EE R SUPPORT and M ENT O R I NG PR O G R AM ” www.forgotteneagles.org / see us on facebook Building a network of support through mentoring and peer partnerships within our military family community through social activities, support groups, VA benefits and employment services. FO RGO TTEN WA RRI O RS , I NC [email protected] PATRIO T G A URD RI DERS www.patriotgaurd.org C O M M U NI T Y I NVO LVE M ENT SONS OF CO NFEDERATE V ET ERA NS M E C H A NI Z ED C A LVA RY Maintaining a strong presence in the community through fundraising events and social functions to continue to raise awareness of NOLA Patriots, our mission and the many issues that affect our service members and their families. [email protected] VIETNA M V ET S M /C “Gumbo” (985)817-9531 T o SPO NSER , JO I N or D O NAT E t o NO L A PATRI OT S VIETNAM VETS M/C , M I S S I S S I P P I C H A P T ER Please visit our website, www.nolapatriots.org, info @nolapatriots.org, or peersupport®nolapatriots.org, Facebook@” Nola Patriots Inc” or call our office at (504)309-0898. Membership is FREE and open to the public. [email protected] US MILI TA RY V ET S M C www.usmvmc.org FLEET 162 INC. 703 KEPLER St. Gretna, LA 70053 504-366-4724 Terry Holland, Manager 5th Annual Charity Poker Run Proceeds to Benefit “Wounded Warrior Project” All Bikes and Vehicles Welcome Saturday, November 9, 2013 Registration Begins here at the FLEET at 9 am. MUSIC - FOOD - DOOR PRIZES RAFFLES SILENT AUCTION This year’s BIG raffle to be awarded December 14, 2013 Party Starts Saturday 11:00 AM At Hall’s Motorsports NOLA 1440 Westbank Expressway Harvey, LA (504)227-2272 RAFFLE PRIZES: 1st Place: 2013 Kawasaki Jet Ski STX -15F Tickets: $10.00 2nd Place: Big Screen TV HDTV 50” - 60” 6 Tickets for $50.00 3rd Place: Laptop Computer Rider/Driver: $20.00 Passenger(s) $10.00 ($5.00 OFF with MILITARY ID) Freet T-Shirt for the First 50 Paid Registrations Returned to Fleet 162 by October 12th. First Bike Out at 10:00 am Last Bike Out at 11:00am Last Bike in by 3:00pm ALL POKER HANDS MUST BE TURNED IN AT FLEET 162 BY 3:00 pm. Cash prizes to be awarded for the Best 3 Poker Hands 1st Stop: 2nd Stop: 3rd Stop: 4th Stop: 5th Stop: 6th Stop: Last Stop: 1st Place - $200.00 2nd Place - $100.00 3rd Place - $50.00 RUBBER DOWN MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2013 PAGE 36 SHOVELHEADS SALOON................St. Rose PIT STOP..............................................Old Jefferson BOBBY D’S SPORTS BAR................Marrero SEATRAIN...........................................Belle Chasse YARDARM TAVERN.........................Gretna HIT N RUN.........................................Terrytown FLEET 162, INC..................................Gretna