Louisiana Rubber Down Magazine November Vol. 12 | Page 31

Bartender of the MONTH W e are featuring the best two bartender’s on the WestBank. Chantelle and Sabrina. Chantelle has been a bartender for 2 years and her famous words are Shot, Shot, Shot!! Sabrina has just started bartending and she always says she is just about winging it. I would like to thank both of these girls for the hard work and dedication to me and our bar. So everyone come and check out our two best bartenders on the WestBank at Moe’s Corner Bar. Moe’s and Big D’s Stumble In i, My name is Melissa Boyd, known as Moe. I am from Belle Chasse and I own Moe’s Corner Bar at 5201 4th St. and the corner of Ave. I in Marrero. I opened my bar on July 23, 2013. I have been in the bar business for 26 years. An opportunity came to open a bar and with some help from good friends, Evelyn and Timmy Haygood, the owners of the Doghouse in gretna, I was able to make a dream come true. I would like to take this time to thank each one of my friends. Without ya’ll I wouldn’t have my dream. Since I opened Moe’s Corner Bar I have run into an old and dear friend of mine. Dennis Mayfield Sr. He is from Marrero. He also has a dream of opening a bar. So Dennis has come to me and made me an off I couldn’t refuse. So as of Nov. 1st Dennis and I will be partners. We will also be changing the name from Moe’s Corner Bar to Moe’s and Big D’s Stumble In. I am very excited to go in to buisiness with Dennis. I am sure great things will come out of us being partners. Starting on Dec. 1st we will have specials everyday. So come on to Moe’s and Big D’s Stumble In and have a good time! H RUBBER DOWN MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2013 PAGE 31