Louisiana Rubber Down Magazine November Vol. 12 | Page 28

Part 1 by: Pat “Road Hog” Patterson B iker Billy was born Billy Jackson in a small town like so many other non descript little mid western towns, if you were traveling west you would probably breeze right through it’s one traffic light without even knowing it existed. When Billy was about ten years old he got hooked on bikes through contact with a bunch of old WWII Veterans who rode old Harley’s and Indian Motorcycles and had formed a very tight little group. When Billy was about fourteen years old he got his first bike, an old 1940 Harley Davidson Flat Head which made him very happy and proud. Billy rode his trusty steed every chance he got and would talk about it with anyone who would listen, he eventually hooked up with that old veterans group who taught him everything he needed to know about the biker lifestyle like “Honor-Respect and Loyalty”. While riding with this group Billy made a couple of very close friends and Brothers one of them he lost in a very bad wreck with a cage while they were riding and Billy never forgot that accident or his Brother. Billy rode with this group for quite awhile and learned the biker ways from his older mentors, although Billy enjoyed their company and wisdom he eventually drifted away from the group to ride with bikers closer to his own age. Billy worked in a motorcycle shop for several years and learned more about bikes and the biker lifestyle as his boss was a pro flat track racer and made the race circuit every season. Billy traveled the motorcycle racing circuit with his boss for several years first as part of the pit crew and later tried his hand at short track and TT Scramble racing. Somewhere around seventeen Billy started traveling around the country, in these travels Billy met many people, some regular folks and some very righteous bikers. It was around this time that Billy started having some very interesting experiences RUBBER DOWN MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2013 PAGE 28 and fell in with some hard core bikers who would further his biker education. By the time Billy was eighteen or nineteen he was riding with some serious bikers and was very deep into the biker life and had experienced more then men twice his age. It was about this time that Billy found himself in a large east coast city with several Motorcycle Clubs and a very large biker community to which Billy became part of very quick and made many close friends and associates. It was here in this city that Billy and several friends got caught up in a very large biker party at which several laws were broken and several people were injured including a female civilian. Billy and his friends exercised good judgment and left the party and rode back to the town they lived in and escaped the trouble that fell upon the party they had attended. See next months issue for the continuing sagas of “THE ADVENTURES OF BIKER BILLY” 4565 W. Main Street Houma, LA 70360 9AM - 2PM (985)-873-9923 Under New Management! BIKER FRIENDLY DJ TNT - Every other Friday Night INFO Bike Night Every other Thursday Night INFo Mention Ad to get: Buy 1 Drink Get 1 Free