Louisiana Rubber Down Magazine November Vol. 12 | Page 22

TRIBUTE To Lady Bikers K athryn, a Registered Nurse, never thought she would be a motorcyclist at the age of 58. She thought back to when she was a young teenager. She had ridden with some crazy friends throwing caution to the wind. As she matured she realized how fragile life was and preferred less adventurous means of travel. Kathryn explained how she had spent some time with some old friends and they had taken her for rides. She really enjoyed the freedom of riding. It wasn’t long before she had the desire to ride her own bike. She enrolled in a Riders Edge course for Motorcycles. The instructors were excellent and was a skilled rider before long. She is a Harley girl and loves her purple and black 2011 Harley Softail Deluxe. Its a magnificent piece of machinery that she named “BLING” . Kathryn smiles as she explains how she is always looking for new shinny Harley accessories to add to her bike. Kathryn admits she has become somewhat of a Chrome-a-holic (if there is such a thing). Kathryn has noticed lots of other women who have moved from the back seat to the controls of there own bike. She has met so many wonderful people who share the same passions of motorcycling. Kathryn is an active member of M.AC. (Motorcycle Awareness Campaign) whose mission is to remind all motorists to look for Motorcycles. Kathryn turned 60 recently, she spoke of a future trip with friends to Arkansas. which will be her longest distance on a bike. Kathryn is looking forward to setting more milestones on her great adventures riding her Harley.We wish Kathryn Safe travels for many years to come. If you would like to be featured in our lady biker column, please send us a photo of yourself wih your bike and a short 100-150 word write up and we will consider it for insertion. Please no vulgar poses or lack of clothing, this is a family magazine that all ages can enjoy. RUBBER DOWN MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2013 PAGE 22 Photos by Bruce LeBlanc 4305 Westbank Expy. Marrero (504)341-6781 -Hours3 to 10 Mon. to Thurs. 3 to Midnight Fri & Sat. [email protected]