Lenoir City Schools
Lenoir City Schools was honored by the state of Tennessee as
an 2019 Exemplary School District. In addition to the district
award, 100% of the schools achieved REWARD School status.
Lenoir City Schools is committed to “Building Lenoir City’s
future … one student at a time.”
Each school focuses on student learning through direct in-
struction, hands-on
activities, and inter-
active technology.
Our administrators,
teachers, and staff
are working to en-
sure that all students
grow academically
each year from PreK
through the 12th
grade. A compre-
hensive focus on
reading, science,
math and technol-
ogy in grades K-8
prepares students
for opportunities in
high school.
In 2019, Lenoir
City High School
graduating students
earned collectively
$5,314,990 in schol-
arships. Thirty-one students scored 30+ on the ACT and 13
students received General Assembly Merit Scholarships.
Lenoir City High School, which was identified by U.S. News
and World Report as one of the top 10 high schools in our area,
offers advanced placement courses, online course opportuni-
ties and dual credit classes. Lenoir City Schools has a STEM
Academy beginning in the 9th grade and culminating in a
STEM endorsement on the LCS Diploma. Students may choose
six areas of emphasis with additional course credits and com-
munity service requirements. STEM opportunities are also
provided at the elementary and middle school levels.
Fine Arts classes are offered at all schools. Music, band,
drama and art are an important part of the well-rounded op-
portunities provided. It is our goal to make sure that students
have the knowledge and skills they need to pursue their hopes,
dreams, and fulfill their aspirations.
Contact Lenoir City Schools
Director: Jeanne Barker
Enrollment: 2,370
Lenoir City Elementary
Lenoir City High School
Lenoir City Intermediate/Middle School
Loudon County Schools
The mission of Loudon County schools is to graduate
college and career ready students through rigorous and
relevant learning opportunities. This past year, Loudon
County Schools boasted a 92.9% graduation rate with 250
students graduating from Greenback and Loudon high
schools. These graduates earned college scholarships,
including lottery scholarships totaling nearly $6.5 million, to
further their education. It is truly evident our team has a laser
like focus on the mission of providing rigorous and relevant
learning opportunities to produce ready graduates.
Loudon County Schools was recognized as one of the
highest performing districts in the state, earning an
Exemplary designation from the Tennessee Department of
Education for the third consecutive year. We are one of three
systems out of 149 that have been designated Exemplary three
years in a row. The district also earned a level 5, the highest
level possible, from the Tennessee Department of Education
for TVAAS composite growth scores. We are proud of our
students, faculty, and staff for these amazing accomplish-
ments. Additionally, we were recognized as having four reward
schools this year.
In addition to all of the academic growth, Loudon County
Schools has implemented a 1:1 technology initiative, ACT
preparation programs, STEM, and Robotics programs for
our students. Our teachers are doing a great job supporting
students with engaging innovative hands on programs. Most
importantly, our educators are using research based teaching
strategies daily to engage students in order to prepare them for
college and career opportunities beyond high school.
Contact Loudon County Schools
Interim Director: Michael Garren
Enrollment: 5,000
Eaton Elementary
Loudon Elementary
Steekee Elementary
North Middle School
Loudon High School
Highland Park Elementary
Philadelphia Elementary
Fort Loudoun Middle
Greenback School
Loudon County Chamber of Commerce Living Guide 2020 n www.loudoncountychamber.com