Lost at Sea (Interior Major Project) | Page 51

Cafe Detail The cafe is an external feature as it sits on the pavement outside of the Square Tower. Its structure is made up of a series of steel beams and sliding panels to close and expose the interior. The panels run along the top beams and are secured along their sides, therefore there are no runners along the ground. This allows for the cafe to be easily accessible with no obstructions in the way as the pavement continues. Refreshment Facilities: Design Considerations 4.16 Refreshment facilities will satisfy M1 if: a. All users have access to all parts of the facility b. Part of the working surface of the serving counter is permanently accessible to wheelchairs users, at a level no higher than 850mm above floor and where necessary a part higher for people standing: The counter varies from 1100mm to 800mm to allow for this. c. The worktop has a clear space of at least 700mm above the floor level: the counter allows for 750mm of clear space when being served. Dimensions of a wheelchair were also retrieved from the Metric Handbook. Cafe Section 1:25 47