Los Gurues Financieros más Seguidos Top 5 traders forex | Page 5

Fernando Martínez Gómez Tejedor Fernando Martinez Gomez-Tejedor Spínola (Madrid, A ugust 30, 1982) is considered one of the most succes sful young investors in the world, owning 6 virtual bank s. His origin is noble and with surnames of ancestry, h e has not availed himself of this. to get ahead in the di fficult world of investment and business. He began to operate long before reaching the age of majority, and had an agreement with a pre-established agent of a United States broker so that on his eighteen th birthday he would sign a contract with them for the charge of Introducing Broker and Money Manager, that is why who is recognized as the youngest professional trader in the world,. Now it has a success rate of 98% approximately, witho ut counting the futures maturities, which sometimes en d up with partially losing positions, which are rewarded for the following months, with profits. It is worth menti oning that this is the best percentage among all the ac tive traders in the world, nobody surpasses it and henc e is listed as the best trader in the world.