Los Angeles Firm Inc. Magazine March/April 2015 | Page 74

ELEGANCE LOS ANGELES FIRM INC MAGAZINE MARCH / APRIL 2015 LOS ANGELES FIRM: How does it feel to be such a recognized photographer? VISUAL XSTASY: How does it feel to be such a recognized photographer? In all honesty, I never predicted my work would become as popular as it has, its a bit over whelming sometimes however I am humble enough to remain grounded no matter where this path takes me, I look up to various photographers for inspiration so its awesome to know that others are doing the same to me and my work as Visual Xstasy! LOS ANGELES FIRM: What other things do you do besides photography? VISUAL XSTASY: I am a makeup artist, stylist, photo editor, graphic and web designer aswell as photographer - I guess I’m a bit of a geek haha!! “Elegance is not standing out, but being remembered.” —Giorgio Armani LOS ANGELES FIRM: Who is your favorite model? VISUAL XSTASY: Thats a tough one. I love Cara Delevigne because she is so down to earth, quirky and expressive however I also love Adriana Lima for her classic stunning beauty. I cant choose one, theyre both equally stunning in their own ways. ELEGANCE LOS ANGELES FIRM: What would you note el·e·gance/ noun the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner; style. the quality of being pleasingly ingenious and simple; neatness. LOS ANGELES FIRM: What would be your dream location and setting for a photo shoot? VISUAL XSTASY: I would love to shoot in a dessert, the endless sands and the sunshine would make for such an amazing concept. Failing that and as bizarre as it sounds, my dream location is a scrap yard which is actually not going to be a dream for much longer so stay posted to see the results from that concept coming soon! as your biggest accomplishment? VISUAL XSTASY: My biggest accomplishment to date is without doubt meeting and photographing Hollywood actor Vinnie Jones, such a lovely genuine man. Nothing like you see in the movies, he was doing an event auctioning off the items used in ‘Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels’ in order to raise money for a cancer charity as his wife has it. It was a very moving night. LOS ANGELES FIRM: Do you have any advice for people looking to start a career in fashion photography? VISUAL XSTASY: The best advice I can offer is to take risks, think outside the box and never be scared no matter how strange the concept seems in your head to go out and execute it. Many photographers will argue that you can only produce amazing quality on expensive cameras with expensive kits which I’ve come to discover is not true at all - a true artist has the vision, not the latest camera and lenses! But most importantly as with any body going in to anything, PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE! LOS ANGELES FIRM: In your opinion what do you think photographers and graphic designers should focus on more within the fashion communities? VISUAL XSTASY: In your opinion what do you think photographers and graphic designers should focus on more within the fashion communities? There is far more sexual ‘art’ than just appreciation for beauty nowadays aswell which I find upsetting as I feel it doesnt portray to youngsters the right image. I am all up for sexy imagery but its become far too mainstream in my opinion. Its not just images, its advertising in general everything from hot chocolate too shampoo has been sexualised. I think the focus should go back to the products and the artwork. I started noticing whilst I was modelling, the change in direction from fashion to nudity, it was subtle at first, now its everywhere. hence I keep my work based more around beauty and fashion. Sexuaity has its place, providing its justified in your work.