Loquaciousness Fandom Magazine Volume 1, Issue 8 (March 2016) | Page 23

that Stanford would make a deal with Bill, again. Were way off. Stanford would never do that again. He knows better by now, don’t take everything Bill says literal. It will never turn out good. But you have to admit Stanford has a strong heart if he let Stanley make the deal instead. The one deal that turned out with a good ending. Stanley wasn’t just a money-loving grunkle he was more than that, he was a true hero. Saved the town in his underpants! If that’s not a true hero then I don’t know what is! Scenes in Weirdmaggedon III showed how much depth went into the characters relationships. The interactions with characters would go from nice to bad, you could even tell if there was a ship a brewing to become canon (hint hint! Sheriff Blubs x Deputy Durland, anyone?!). Mabel and Dipper went through their coming of age reality vs. fantasy argument so did Stanford and Stanley. The family bonds stayed through thick and thin.

This finale really was a great piece of work, it has to be my favorite episode. Tears were shed, foreheads were sweating, fans were screaming. Even the end credits were hard to watch without shedding tears! The real tear-jerkers in the finale would have to be when Bill had Mabel and Dipper in his clutches deciding who to kill. Honestly who did you think he would have killed? Most signs were pointing to Mabel but their just speculations. We may never know what that little demon was planning. It’s not without consequences. Stan had gave his finishing punch and Bill was finished. Along with Bill went Stan’s memories. Every single one. Gone. s great he was stopped! But Stan ending him with that finishing punch came with consequences. Bill was finished. Along with Stan’s memories, all of them. Gone. All those times Stan was foreshadowed burning in a fire, they were twisted. Stan’s memories burned in the fire instead basically his identity. No one was going to let it end like this! Not even Waddles! Maybe Waddles is the true hero here. Quick everyone go stare at a wall and rethink everything!

Overall Weirdmaggedon III was one of the best ways Gravity Falls could have gone out. The sad moments, the excitement, the battle. This was the closure we all needed to not fall into a show hole (haha I am). Most finale’s are suppose to be the best out of the whole series, but for the Gravity falls finale they went farther. Completely out of the box. The momentum from Weirdmaggedon I to III picked up so quickly to where you had to watch each part over and over just to process it all. The questions were solved, some were not, others just weren’t asked. At least not yet. The Gravity Falls series is something that grabbed all of our hearts like it was our best friend. It is worth going back to the beginning of the summer and watching it all over again. I hope you do because I know I surely will. Never say goodbye to the summer because if you do you may be saying goodbye to your childhood. So like Wendy’s note, “See you next summer.”

~Shawntay The Fangirl